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Everything posted by Fursphere

  1. Let me crack open my old scripts. I have a full(?) replacement for this, its just all command line based. No gui.
  2. Are you using this plugin for the unzipping feature or the caching feature (like, caching from a NAS or network share)? I was using it primarily for unzipping PS1 and PS2 titles - but now DuckStation and PCSX2 support CHD formats, so I'm converting all my PS1/PS2 files over to CHDs, which makes this program obsolete.
  3. I just had launchbox get stuck in memory on me. I was modifying the 'parent' relationship on some playlists, and noticed the changes were not applying when hitting "ok". Then I closed launchbox and it got stuck in memory. So.. maybe this is a clue? An operational to modify an XML is stuck trying to complete. File lock maybe?
  4. thanks! I modified the Platform View 1 to get the "video box" in (stole the code from Game view 2). But I can't get the backgrounds to load for the life of me. Here is what I came up with.. its so close. PlatformWheel1FiltersView.zip
  5. Unified and Unified Redux have no "system" theme (is that what the top level Platform view is called?). It just plays videos full screen and shows the platforms wheel. I tried the Community Theme Creation tool (evaluation - haven't decided if I want to pay for it yet) and couldn't make heads or tails out of how to find the "top level platform" view (system view?). Nothing lined up. Maybe its a limitation of the evaluation version, I dunno. At least I know its possible - not I just need to figure out how to do it. I know a tiny bit about XAML, so I guess I need to just dive in now.
  6. So.. my 'platforms' view just shows random videos from that platform full screen. I would like it to mirror the view when you enter the platform (screenshot above is IN the SNES platform). Instead of this: To something like this (please forgive my horrible ms paint skills).
  7. I hope this is the right place to ask this. I'm using the Unified Redux theme in BigBox on most of my cabs. My only compliant is that I'd like the platform theme to be the same "in" the platform (where the games are) and at the top level where you scroll through various 'platforms". (I hope that makes sense). I really do not like the full screen platform thematic videos you can download because they are a static list of repeating games, and may include games that I don't even have in my collection. So having the "in" platform view where it says what platform it is (aka - SNES) then in the video window box - it'll just pull random videos from games that are in my SNES collection. Is that possible? This view at the platforms wheel: (and not show the box)
  8. I ran the code through ChatGPT and it had a bunch of suggestions specifically around .net upgrades, calling out lots of individual code sections. I got distracted and never got back to it.
  9. I've been having this same issue, but honestly just thought my PC was being a piece of crap. Maybe there is a bug.
  10. It just came out. I was just teasin' ya. Unless you're crazy like me, there is no need to update MAME on a regular basis. If there is a new playable game you want, or a new core feature of mame that you're interested in, that's when you upgrade. And as always, use clrmamepro to make sure your current rom set matches your current mame.exe
  11. Latest version is actually .275
  12. Currently its "OR" for same fields and "AND" for different fields. For example Platform = NES OR Platform = SNES OR Platform = TG16 AND GENRE = Beat'em UP AND REGION = USA OR REGION = JAPAN ---- I hope that makes sense. like fields are "OR", different fields are "AND"
  13. Why is downloading metadata required when trying to download media? Shouldn't it be an option? "Just download media" In my experience, I usually have to run the download media a few times on larger system sets before it gets everything for whatever reason - but I don't see why I have to download metadata over and over again?
  14. Is this because of launchbox's insane desire to use relative pathing for everything? I wish they'd disable that, or at least give you a choice. Relative pathing is super annoying.
  15. So for the sake of discussion and clarity, I recommend the verbiage be updated to be more clear (in both launchbox and bigbox). I know this is a little silly, but its confusing as it stands. Launchbox - "Automatically download updates in the background" "Updates will be automatically installed when ready" BigBox - "Would you like to install this option right now? (Choosing no will install the update the next time bigbox or launchbox is started) The way its coded, you cannot opt-out of an update once its downloaded. That needs to be clear to the user. Like hey, I'm right in the middle of configuration something, can I not update this second please?
  16. New TeknoParrot emulator profile looks good.
  17. Has anyone tried running this code through ChatGPT or something to see if it can help update it?
  18. Thinking through the use case, it would have to be tied to attract mode on all instances of 'linked' BigBox. if cab1 = attract mode && cab2 = attract mode; sync attract mode between all linked systems else if cab1 =/= attract mode or cab2 =/- attract mode; do nothing loop There's probably only a small handful of people running linked cabinets (driving games and lightgun games mostly?), so the effort here probably not warranted unfortunately.
  19. Is it possible to have this plugin navigate to a specific game during attact mode? Can it be used to basically keep two side by side launchbox / bigbox installations in sync during attract mode? (for a twin cabinet racing setup in my case)
  20. The Steam install on that particular PC is pretty light, so if it only targets 'locally' installed games, it should be fine.
  21. Hmm. There are a bunch of entries in the import blacklist. I wonder if they all got BL'd when I deleted the platform before? (I didn't know this file was a thing) Is it safe to just delete this file?
  22. I made these notes as I was doing them, so this is the order of events I went through... manage - playforms - path to DC roms is correct Delete 'Sega Dreamcast' platform completely. Move portion of roms to another folder Re-imported Dreamcast collection. Manage - Platforms - Path to DC roms is correct. Confirmed Options - Automated Imports is enabled shutdown launchbox moved a portion of roms back into the 'main' folder restarted launchbox After 10-15 seconds, automated import appeared to happen successfully. shutdown launchbox again Moved the remained roms back into the 'main' folder Could NOT restart launchbox, as the process will still 'hanging' from when I shut it down. Waited 5+ minutes for it to close on its own (used a stopwatch) finally just killed the process.... started up LB again after 10-15 seconds the autoimport process ran and imported the remaining roms. So besides the weird hang on shutdown (not a normal thing), deleting the platform seems to have fixed it. Even though the configuration appears to be exactly the same? anyway, thanks!
  23. Importing steam games manually works fine. I purchased a new game. Installed it. And it didn't import. So I installed a few more games, and they didn't import either. No symlinks. I am running Stablebit Drivepool. Launchbox is installed on c:\ (nvme), and Laucnhbox, steam, roms, etc are on D:\ with is a drivepool of 2x 14tb drives. Never had an issue with drivepool and launchbox before though.
  24. Rom path: D:\Roms - Console\Sega Dreamcast - UN\CHD USA Nope, just CHD files in the folder. I think it was happening with SegaCD too, which has a similar path. If I "import - folder" it will pick them all up. But if I add more CHDs to an existing folder, and then do one of the things that should trigger an automatic import, it doesn't work. Restarting launchbox or "scan for added roms" this is in the latest release, 13.19 The automatic importing of Windows games (steam) doesn't work anymore either. I have to manually do it.
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