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Everything posted by Fursphere

  1. Are CHD files supposed to be ignored by the auto-import process? I'm seeing more and more disc based systems convert to CHD file format, and Launchbox seems to ignore them from an automatic import stance. (similar to the XML file issue with teknoparrot). On the initial import select 'folder' seems to grab them all, but scanning for newly added roms, or just auto-importing functional doesn't appear to work at all with CHD files. (Dreamcast, Sega CD, Saturn...)
  2. Literally no options. Just select the folder, select the platform, select some media options - then on the last screen nothing checked. Import. Roms are all no intro based. At least they're supposed to be. Let me try and recreate the scenario on my side.
  3. Import matching is still broken in 13.19 release. Imported some "NEC TruboGrafx-16" roms. 13.19 - out of the 143 roms I have, only 4 were matched to a LB DB ID # 13.18 - over a hundred were matched.
  4. The automatic storefront imports from Steam appear to be broken in the current release. I installed a bunch of steam games on my cabinet, and launchbox isn't picking them up at all. manage-storefronts - automatic imports is enabled, and for steam its set to 'installed games'
  5. If this plugin doesn't get updated, I have a batch file script that I wrote a long time ago that essentially does the same thing, at a basic level. Unzip's the game, moves it to an archive location, and runs it. Then afterwards, nukes things that are 'x' number of days old. I can share it, but if you don't know old DOS batch files.. its gonna look gnarly.
  6. I used to do a symlink for launchbox. I finally just gave up on that.
  7. Yesterday I imported "Sammy Atomiswave" "Sega Naomi" and "Sega Naomi 2" platforms. These did not have a 'scrape as' setting, they were just 'native' (?) lunchbox platforms. Not a single rom was matched in the imports. I know C-Beats said he found an issue with 'scrape as' and this process, but these three weren't setup that way, and still had the issue. I put on a movie and went through and manually fixed them all. But something is broken there in Beta 4.
  8. I couldn't get anything to work in that field. I added 'badges' - and not a single title in my list had anything in that column.
  9. Ok, here's the issue. "Controller Support" doesn't support partial matches. So I've have to go find every variation and put them all in. And then "Controller Support" field isn't exposed in the "display fields" list... so there isn't a quick way to see them all. You'd have to spot check every entry in the list.
  10. Ok, did a little spot checking. I see why my query didn't originally work. The console systems appears to be setup like "Controllers = Zapper (Light gun)" or "Controllers = GunCon2 (Light gun)" The only outlier is Nintendo Wii - where everything is "wiimote". Which makes sense. I think I had a "controller type equals light gun" rule, where it should be "controller type contains light gun" rule. Lemme try that.
  11. I was playing with that yesterday. It seemed to only be supported on MAME, HBMAME, and Sega Model 2. Didn't pickup 'light gun' games on any other platform. And, in the scope of our other conversation about LB DB - that's another field that's not exposed in the LB DB online editor - so no way to clean it up.
  12. There are a ton of "Shooter / (something)" Genres. The idea was to capture them all, excluding the single "Shooter / Gun" I would have to find all the possibilities, then list them all out: Is Equal to 'Shooter / Horizontal' <or> Is Equal to 'Shooter / Vertical' <or> Is Equal to 'Shooter / whatever' etc. And this is not forward thinking. If something 'new' gets imported that happens to be a 'shooter / <something not specifically mentioned in the rule>' genre, it wouldn't be included unless the playlist was updated to specifically accommodate. ...and least, that's my thought process.
  13. Beta-4 Switched back to VLC. BigBox freezing / lockups is significantly WORSE than its ever been. Switched back again to WMP - no issues yet.
  14. @faeran Here is an example I just ran across. Shooter auto-generated Playlist. Basic logic is "Genre Contains Shooter" (Had 1766 titles in my playlist) But this was picking up Lightgun games (Shooter / Gun). So I wanted to filter them out. So I thought to add "Genre Doesn't Contain Shooter / Gun" (also tried "Genre Doesn't Contain Gun"). This is a hard "OR" statement between the two rules. Now the playlist has 6114 titles. The evaluation between these two rules needs to be configurable to be an "AND" not an "OR" statement.
  15. More to this. Importing "Nintendo Entertainment System" had no issues. All the roms linked up to a LB DB ID #. Importing "NES Lightgun" (scrape as "Nintendo Entertainment System" failed to match a single rom. Same for "PS2 Lightgun" "PSX Lightgun" etc... Any non-standard platform name - even with the correct "scrape as" system listed - fails to match a single rom. I'm fairly certain this used to work in previous versions?
  16. Beta 4 Imported some NES games to my launchbox install this morning, and not a single one was matched against the metadata database. (Duck Hunt wasn't matched for example). If I manually assigned it (edit - metadata) to a LB ID, the media downloaded fine. But the import process / matching system doesn't appear to be working at all. I'm going to try a few more platforms (importing Lightgun Games to my cabinet) and see what happens.
  17. I think PinUp Popper uses (virtual pinball frontend) (or used to use?) ffmpeg, And ran into serious performance issues with 4k videos. (playfield recordings for example for frontend purposes). I'll have to see if they dropped it for something else.
  18. SQL?!?! Holy crap I never thought I'd see the day. Does this mean we're getting SQL query based playlists? I'll switch back from WMP to VLC and see if the lockup issues return too.
  19. Just a quick update - I let one of my BigBox cabinets run for 24+ hours straight after switching to WMP. Not a single freeze / lock up. I can't be 100% sure, but it sure seems like a VLC issue at this point.
  20. I switched both of my cabinets to WMP this morning as well, and haven't had an issue with BigBox locking up since.
  21. This is great. Thank you so much!
  22. Why do you want to copy them to the cache folder? You're not uncompressing them?
  23. Makes sense. I'm happy to help. It was just a little surprising to hear "remove all your images and videos".
  24. Have you tried reproducing this in house? Or is it so infrequent that its not on the current priority list?
  25. Beta 3 seems to have a memory leak or something. After a few hours (5+ I'm guessing?) in attract mode, it freezes / locks up. Any interaction after that just causes the program to crash / close. My cabinet is in my home office, so I usually just leave it running all day while I'm working.
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