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Posts posted by proghodet

  1. try running it as python3 "F:\Video Snaps\scrypt.py"
    It seems your default python version is 2.7, and it needs to use python 3.7 :)

    Also, your file has been named script.py.txt, but it should be script.py.
    Windows adds the .txt extension for whatever reason. Just right click the file -> Rename -> remove the .txt part :)


  2. When I launch a game and then hit the pause key, the pause screen shows up as expected.
    But when i press resume, the emulator is in windowed mode.

    I tried adding

    WinActivate Mesen
    Send F11 

    to the resume-script, but no cigar. (F11 being the fullscreen key in Mesen)

    Does anyone have suggestions?

  3. There are plenty of ways to download from youtube, however most of them download the whole file as-is. Most game videos that I would like are longplays, which may be up to 4 hours long, when I just need it cut to 2 minutes.
    I am a developer and am used to working this way, but I understand that it's not for everyone. I suppose a GUI would make it more user friendly, but .. priorities :)

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  4. Hey all! I'm having trouble with platform videos in BigBox. When I select a platform, such as Nintendo Entertainment System, I can see and hear the video, but it fades to black in a matter of 750ms, and the audio stops.

    I'm on Windows 10, LaunchBox 11.6 and I use the default BigBox theme. I have tried other themes with the same result. I'm certain that the platform videos have worked before, but not anymore for whatever reason.
    I use VLC for video, but I have also tested WMP. All transitions are set to fade, if that matters. All game videos works just fine, both audio and visuals.

    The video path doesn't have any funky special characters or anything:
    These are my video settings within BigBox:
    image.thumb.png.8d4b3b7270c957d359307a7f806925fd.pngEdit 1: I have also tried to delete the default theme, and BigBoxSettings.xml

    Edit 2: I tested other views - all of them work, except the Text List With Details view, which is the one I'm trying to use.
    If the case is that this particular view does not support videos - is there a quick way to add such functionality through the XML files?

  5. 6 minutes ago, mcfilmmakers said:

    Apologies to necro such an old thread, however I've come to appreciate Steem's simplicity compared to Hatari (besides, hatari isn't running the games well). I was wondering how do i get Steem to auto play PRG files? For example, 1943 is an mfm file, which is a hard drive. I got a PRG file patch which i put into the hard drive folder. The thing is, Steem boots into the desktop and I have to navigate to the 1943 folder and double click the PRG file.

    Is there a way so that I can get Launchbox to tell Steem to boot straight into the game liek it does with IPF or ST files?

    Unfortunately, I don't know have any idea how to do this.. some disks simply just boot to the desktop as you say. I have mapped my PS3 controller to use one of the analog sticks as a mouse, so its not a deal breaker for me. If you find a workaround, do share!


  6. Right click the game -> edit and choose additional apps. From there you should be able to add joytokey as an app, and check a box so that it runs when the game does.
    You can then create an AHK script (or batch script) to exit joytokey, that you add as an application that runs when the game closes.

    I hope that made sense.

  7. 29 minutes ago, CtinD said:

    Hello all! I hope life is treating you guys well. I hope the stay at home order isn't wearing on your sanity. 

    I'm getting here with an ahk/gamepad question. However it's not a game related question. Hopefully when YOU are reading this, you see the value in this and a lesson for me and someone else to learn from. Without further ado, here's my novel question. 

    I'm hoping YOU may have the answer or at least the insight to point me in the right direction. I'm looking to have my HTPC remote send movement from the right joystick with presses of the UP, DOWN, LEFT & RIGHT buttons of my remote. The buttons just send the keyboard arrow keys, so that it's native keyboard input. My idea is using vJOY. I only want it to send the right joystick (U,D,L,R) movement when I am using the Netflix app from the Microsoft Store. I no issue with launching and exiting apps using AHK. What I'm wondering is, is it possible to "load" a vJOY profile through ahk then unload it with my exit hotkey? It seems plausible and easy enough.... For someone with experience and knowledge of the program. I've never used vJOY, 'cause TBQH, it went right over my head when I was trying to understand what I could do with vJOY and never bothered trying again, thinking I'd never need to use a virtual joystick... Until now. On a final note, I have also started attempting to educate myself with the AHK Xinput wrapper. Sadly, from my understanding, AHK cannot emulate/send joypad input with standard key presses. Correct me if I'm wrong and help she's some light on this for me. Take care and I look forward to some input. Ok...I could help myself with that one. I love a good pun. They're the best dad jokes.

    I have not used vJOY, but I am an avid user of JoyToKey, which probably does mostly the same?
    Anyway, in it you can associate applications with profiles:
    Screenshot_10.thumb.png.bf2e8f7323e818db922b493afef1928b.pngOnce set up, it will automatically switch to the correct profile, when an application is active.

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  8. I'm one of the few who doesn't have a subscription to emumovies, but i wanted to share my method for getting videos for LaunchBox.
    YouTube has longplays of a vast majority of the games that I need, so I created a script to download videos from there.

    It is a bit time consuming, and may require some technical know-how. If it's too much hassle, you may consider a subscription from emumovies instead ?‍♂️

    You need to install the following programs:
    Python* - ffmpeg - youtube-dl
    Add all the programs to your path (guide)

    * Python needs to be version 3.7. Didn't work with 3.8, for whatever reason. 

    I recommend using a text editor, such as Notepad++, Visual Studio Code, Atom, or something like that.
    You can also use Notepad, but not a text processor such as Microsoft Word.

    How to:
    With all programs installed and added to your path, go to a folder where you'd like to download videos.
    Right click, and choose new -> text document. Rename the file to "script", and be sure that the file extension is .py (e.g: script.py).
    Open the document with your favorite text editor (if you don't have one, use notepad).
    Paste the code below:

    import subprocess
    import re
    # how long the videos will be; two minutes.
    video_duration = "00:02:00.00"
    videos = [
      # Duplicate this line:
      {"title": "Mega Man X", "youtube_url": "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0qMDQTF8uVQ", "start_time": "00:03:30.00"},
    # no touchy:
    for video in videos:
      links = subprocess.check_output(['youtube-dl', '-g', video["youtube_url"]]).splitlines()
      video_url = re.findall(r"'(.*?)'", str(links[0]), re.DOTALL)
      audio_url = re.findall(r"'(.*?)'", str(links[1]), re.DOTALL)
      print(subprocess.check_output(['ffmpeg', '-ss', video["start_time"], '-i', video_url, '-ss', video["start_time"], '-i', audio_url, '-t', video_duration, '-c', 'copy', video["title"] +".mp4"]))

    I have added an example video (mega man x). Duplicate this line, and edit it as you see fit.
    You can add as many videos as you'd like - I have tried with 70 videos, and it worked fine.

    {"title": "Mega Man X", "youtube_url": "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0qMDQTF8uVQ", "start_time": "00:03:30.00"},

    - Set the game title - it should be the same as the game title in LaunchBox.
    - Add a link to the youtube video*.
    - Choose where in the video it should start recording from. (The syntax is HH:MM:SS.mm, so hour, minute, seconds, milliseconds)

    * If the youtube-link has an & inside it, be sure to remove everything behind it, including the &.
    e.g: If the link is: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TB6fwRRCzk8&list=PLpxuazQ7SB4wt7r_2BIxG0fDBtlcW-n5p
    Make it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TB6fwRRCzk8

    When you have added all the videos you want, you can run the script
    In order to do that we need to use the windows command prompt.
    Open it by pressing the windows-key, and write cmd, and then press enter.
    Finally, we can run the script:

    python c:\wherever\script\is\script.py

    If you have done everything right, you should now be downloading all the videos you added.
    Lastly, just move the files from the script-folder to the correct path the LaunchBox folder, eg. LaunchBox\Videos\Sony Playstation\

    Feel free to ask questions!

  9. Run "%A_ScriptDir%\LaunchBox.exe"
    Sleep, 10000
    Run "%A_ScriptDir%\Tools\JoyToKey\JoyToKey.exe"
    Sleep, 2000
    if WinExist ("ahk_exe LaunchBox.exe")
      WinActivate, ahk_exe LaunchBox.exe

    This is the script that I use to open LaunchBox. You would need to have AutoHotKey installed on your machine. Then right click in the LaunchBox folder, choose new -> AutoHotKkey script.
    It doesn't matter what you call the script but mine is called LaunchKeys (as it launches launchbox and joytokeys)

    Open the file in notepad and copy the code from above. Be sure to edit so the path to JoytoKey matches your joytokey path. Mine is inside LaunchBox\Tools\JoyToKey, as you can see above.
    Save the script, and double click it. It should launch both programs. When you know it works, you can right click it and select "Compile to EXE", et voila

    You should be able to then edit the script to work for bigbox also, if needed.

    You can remove the second line (sleep, 10000), if you wish to start both programs fairly quickly.
    Older versions of JoyToKey only listened for new joysticks at the start - that is why I added that delay :)

  10. You could create a playlist, which auto-populates, based on
    Date Added  |  Is in Recent Days  |  Some number
    Last Played  |  Is in Recent Days  | Some number

    You could set the number quite high, but I suppose you would prefer to have a max cap for, say the 10 most recent, and I don't think you can limit the number of items in an auto populated playlist.

  11. In the Edit Game window, there is a Other tab, with a Sort Title text-field. It reads:
    image.png.05041a7a2de4bc940d6fabec21109906.pngShouldn't it be "it can be used to acknowledge prefixes" or something of that nature? English is not my first language, so there are probably better words for it.
    I suppose the text is from before prefixes were ignored as the standard.

    And on that note, would it be possible to have an option to turn it on or off? I'm sure there are plenty of people on both sides that either want or do not want prefixes to be used.

  12. 1 hour ago, thimolor said:

    Sorry, but I can't. I need to keep the look and feel across all the views the same. The BannerBox banners are great but they look nothing like I would design. My theme is going to look a bit dull compared to other themes. There are so many colorful and visually mind blowing themes already made, so I thought I could make something different. Like Gandalf always said: Keep It Clean, Keep It Simple.

    Absolutely ? Still looking very much forward to see it completed! :)

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