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Everything posted by Trnzaddict

  1. Never had a freeze in BB either but yea today was the first time it happened after upgrading to the latest version. Was scrolling and the program just locks up. Had to force close.
  2. Hi sorry, you're right I'm confusing LB's database with how ES is. I'm trying to figure out why this python script seems to be only copying media over from games that LB had to scrape media for because EM did not have anything available. So how does LB know what video and media to display for which game?
  3. Hello, Wasn't sure where to post this but here goes. I have my LB setup on my Steamdeck on my Windows partition, but I'm looking to move over to SteamOS after trying it last night. The primary emulation front end for SteamOS seems to be Emulation Station. However LB's database is more complete than ES's scrapers and I'd rather not reimport metadata for everything for 47 systems. I use a lot of my own media scraped using Emumovies download utility. There is a very handy python script by Dingodan to convert LB databases and media to ES format, but it only works if there are complete path's written for media. The problem is LB is "smart" and if you have any media that is added manually without having LB scrape it, if it is named close to your rom, it display's it (which is great) but when it does this it does not write any paths in the platform.xml. Is there anyway to have LB force write paths to box art, video's etc. if using your own media?
  4. This script only works correctly if you do not have relative paths for images and videos and roms in your platform.xml. Shame. LB will only write video/image paths if you use it's own scraper to add media. If you use your own media downloaded by EM for example, nothing gets written, hence this script cannot work.
  5. I made these years ago for my Hyperspin /Rocketlauncher build, glad people found them useful.
  6. No....windows 8.1. The Kodi devs are aware of this problem but I don’t think it’s high on their priority list to fix. Really sucks though.
  7. Hi, I installed this and it works great, however upon returning to Kodi I have no sound in Kodi. Launchbox has sound, my Windows Desktop has sound, but Kodi nothing. EDIT: Disregard it's a bug in Kodi....and a nasty one at that. Basically if you return from Launchbox and attempt to navigate Kodi's UI with either a 360 or Xbone controller there is no sound. You use your keyboard and there is sound. Any ideas?
  8. I wouldn’t stay on 197.....there was a bug that made the atari arcade games (Hard Drivin’, Roadblasters, etc.) that caused the driver to have a 50% drop in performance. In 198 it’s fixed, and this torrent check method is a life saver. Been updating every revision now with no problems.
  9. Hi guys. So I decided to add the Nintendo Famicom as a separate system in LB instead of mixing the Japanese games in with NES. So I added the system, set to scrape as Nintendo Entertainmemt System. So it imported all 290 of my games, most of them with correct metadata. However on some games for example Choplifter, it imported the Apple II games dB entry, when there is clearly a Choplifter entry in the NES section of the LBGD. Another example Doraemon has an NES entry as well, it imported the Emerson Arcadia version instead...I don’t know why it’s jumping around platforms when there are clear entries in the DB for the selected platform...any idea what’s going on?
  10. Hey guys. Not sure if this is an existing feature or not... So when you select a game and it gives you the option to view manual, ( say I selected NES Contra) is it possible to show the NES user manual too?
  11. Wow, never knew this! Going to try this as well. I always waited usually a year to update my romset because of clrmamepro’s extensive process but maybe now I can update every month!
  12. So super resolutions like 2560x240 work even on Sdtv's? Hey it's funny you posted this. I'm honestly thinking of moving my entire emulation set up from my plasma to a free 27 inch crt I got with component inputs. No more fiddling with filters, input lag, etc. I already have crt emudriver installed but I need a transcoder which I'll be ordering after reading the article on Aussie arcade to get a picture out of the crt.
  13. Got it. Thankyou for all the replies thus far guys. If anyone finds anything out please let me know. Thanks.
  14. Would you know which plugin? There are many and I'm very new to LB.
  15. Hi guys, I'm the one who created these: I was wondering if it is possible to make a custom menu item in Big Box that says "View Controller" for example like under where it says "View Game Manual? Also in order to view it can I have Big Box use this as a default image for all games for a platform or do I need to make copies of this image names after each rom? Thanks
  16. Hey is it possible to change the game details font? Like the two fonts Nox uses for HS is MC360 and Bebas Neu. You have made progress fast with the Nox theme. Impressive.
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