This is my first post so I don't know if I need to break up my requests for added features per request.
1. It would be nice just as consolidation does have a Bulk Default Game Version selection option. One with options such as Prioritize USA or even a checkbox to prioritize USA but if a Rev A exists prioritize that one. It would cut down on manually telling the system what to select.
2. On the Bulk Edit have a Star Rating option where you can take selected titles and give them 5 stars for your top games or 4 stars for your honorable mentions, etc. I kust thought it saves time manually going through each title for rating on certain games. I won't be rating everything but just stuff I'm likely to play.
3. A tutorial file or feature video for using XAML in notepad to quickly edit items in Themes. I took some time and figured out how to get a Theme I liked to have a text that is easier on the eyes or if I want to edit to give my headings a Starcraft or Diablo font in a few seconds I could do that. I was able to edit two files for Heading and Body. Also, I'm still currently figuring out how the image source works and how I could quickly change it to grab images in my Theme/Images folder. Anyway, just a few suggestions of the top of my head so far. This LaunchBox/Big Box frontend is amazing!