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Everything posted by adamtoth

  1. I am new to the Retroarch world and having a helluva time figuring out my controller mapping. I have a three sided cocktail table - at the short ends are a joystick and three buttons each, and when sitting on the long side, there are controls for two players. The long side is controlled by an iPac ultimate board which is seen by the OS as a keyboard, and the two short sides are each plugged into a xinmo zero delay usb encoder. This is so that I can choose to play vertical arcade games on the short sides in cocktail mode, and horizontal games on the long side. It all works fine for MAME natively since I can map all the controller inputs easily, and I don’t use Retroarch for this, just plain old MAME as the emulator for the Arcade platform. But I am also trying to run various console platforms on the long side, NES, SNES, Sega Master, etc using Retroarch. Retroarch is totally confused by all these controllers plugged in. I want it to ignore the 2 xinmo encoders, and just see the ipac as a keyboard like MAME does. But I can’t seem to get it to work right. If I load an NES game (Mesen core), and load the menu and check out the Controls area, and create a Remap file for that core, I can edit the file and change the device type to “3” for ports 1 and 2 to make them keyboard inputs. Then I can start configuring various buttons, but they don’t seem to work. For example, my Coin 1 button is plugged into Coin1 on the iPac, which maps to Keyboard #5 by default. I’d like that to be the Select button for NES, so I configure Retroarch Port 1 so that Select is mapped to Keyboard #5, save the core remap file, close and restart the game, press the coin 1 button, and nothing happens, no Select is sent to the loaded game. Has anyone else gotten a keyboard emulator like the iPac to work with Retroarch?
  2. That did it. After the LOAD "*",8 command, mine said SEARCHING FOR "*", then went to READY right away. Using LOAD "*",8,1 worked. Thanks!
  3. Thanks. Yes I know that I can't launch the ZIP files directly. I'm just trying to get Launchbox to recognize some files (ZIP, or TXT) so that the Import process has some games/files for which it can get metadata and images. Afterwards I can change the emulator/commandline settings to call my batch files or daphne directly. My post isn't about how to get the games to play from Launchbox, it's about how to get Launchbox to fetch correct metadata for the games. If I configure the platform to scrape for Arcade, it doesn't find all the games and gets some of the games incorrect. It was a lot of work, but I ended up doing the following: Create a new Platform called Daphne, and choose not to scrape as anything Start the import process against the ROM zip files in Daphne roms directory It will bring in all the files without any metadata into the Daphne platform, and the Name/Title of each game will be the zip file name (optional) Combine any alternate versions of games together if that's how you like them Edit each game individually, change the title to the correct game name, and click the Search for Metadata button. Find the Arcade version of the game from the list of games that appear in the dropdown and select it The metadata should be populated and it should be linked now to a launchbox db id. Click the Download Images/Media button at the bottom to get the images. (optional) In the platform field, it will now be "Arcade". If that's fine, leave it, or if you want the platform to be Daphne, change it back to Daphne. Change your application path/emulator settings to call Daphne with commandline parameters or to execute batch files, or go through RocketLauncher/Retroarch/your emulator of choice. With 17 games and a bunch of alternate versions, it took me a couple of hours to get it all straightened out. Now I'll have to try the Singe games with a similar process. It was mostly a manual import process, and I wish Launchbox had better support for importing the Daphne games straight away, recognizing clones/alternates and region variations.
  4. Hello, I've read the numerous posts and tutorials on Daphne configuration, but haven't been able to get the ROM import working well. It seems that when I go through the Import ROMs steps in Launchbox, when I get to the confirmation screen, it only lists some of Daphne laserdisc games and not all of the ones that I chose to import. It also doesn't match up the games quite right. This happens whether I choose the ROM zip files to import or the .TXT framefiles. See the attached screen shot of the games it seems to pull. Notice that it is missing Dragon's Lair, Us vs Them, Interstellar, Roadblaster, Super Don Quixote, etc. Also it seemed to get Star Blazer, Galaxy Ranger, and Space Ace matched up to incorrect games. Am I doing something wrong? It just seems to not be able to match up. I'm choosing to scrape as Arcade platform (since these are arcade games, and there is no Daphne or Laserdisc option to scrape as). Any help would be appreciated.
  5. Hey everyone, I'm trying to get C64 floppy disk games working with MAME as the emulator. I'm using MAME 0.193 and the same software list version. The floppy games are in a c64_flop folder, in ZIP format, with single .g64 files inside. When I load the emulator, it boots to the C64 main prompt screen, but does not load the game. If I type LOAD "*",8, it begins to LOAD but then just says READY and hangs at a prompt again. It never loads the game. I'm using the following command to load standalone MAME: mame64 c64 -ui_active -flop1 commando Also it's the same if I use "flop" instead of "flop1". What's interesting is that cartridge games work just fine (these are separate and stored in c64_cart folder), using the following syntax: mame64 c64 -cart buckrog Under File Manager in MAME, I can see the floppy drive slot #8 loaded with the floppy image. I'm going to probably end up switching to ccs64 instead, but I just wondered if anyone else was able to get c64 floppy games running with MAME? Just trying to get standalone MAME to work first at this time, then integrating to be launched via LB. I'd like to use MAME to get the same shaders as my other platforms.
  6. Thanks, that worked great.
  7. I'm trying to change the ROM folder path for my MAME Arcade platform using this Change ROM Path method, but I'm getting a message that 330 files do not exist in the selected folder. The original ROMS folder and the new ROMS folder are identical copies of each other, with the same exact numbers of files, so no differences. Why would it not see all the files? I've got my roms stored locally on D:\Games\Roms\Mame, and imported them into Launchbox as a MAME full set, and left them in their original location. I also chose to skip importing adult, gambling, Playchoice, etc games, and chose the option to combine similar games. Now I'd like to just repoint all these games to the Roms folder on my NAS server: \\HOMESERVER\GAMES\ROMS\MAME. The local and network folder have an identical number of files, basically a full 0.193 MAME split rom set. When I select all the imported games in the Arcade platform in LaunchBox and choose Tools > Change ROMS folder path for selected games, it gives me the warning that 330 games are not in the new folder. Why would that be? Is it because my games are combined? Do I need to expand all the combined games first?
  8. Feature Request: I like this feature, but would love to see it leverage OR conditions, and also more Comparison types, like Does Not Contain. For example, for the Nintendo Classics playlist from MAME, I'd like to be able to include all games where Publisher = Nintendo OR Title Contains "Vs." to also catch some of the Konami-developed Nintendo VS games. I'm also showing some "Game and Watch" handheld games in my Arcade platform Nintendo Classics playlist. I'd love to filter these out with a Publisher = Nintendo AND Title Does Not Contain "Game and Watch". And to be able to Nest/Combine these AND and OR conditions.
  9. Hi everyone, my NES rom set I have is a multi region set, with Famicom/Japan-only release games included. I'd like to split out the Famicom games into their own platform, so that I can have consistent cart images for all the NES games. What is the best way to do this? I'm currently storing the roms all in one single folder on my NAS, and pointing Launchbox to that folder, but keeping all the images and media in the Launchbox folder. I don't see an option to multi-select games in LB and "Move to new platform". What would be the best way to accomplish the move and rescrape everything as Famicom?
  10. Hello, I've built a three-sided cocktail table with my son for a multicade setup. We went with three sides so we could play both horizontal and vertical arcade games. I want to configure Launchbox with two different arcade platforms, Arcade (Horizontal), and Arcade (Vertical). I have two different mame folders, mame-0.161-vertical, and mame-0.161-horizontal, so that I can have different mame.ini files for each, and can configure the vertical mode to rotate the screen 90 degrees (and do cocktail flipping for the two short sides of the table). I am finding the platform/emulator/rom import configuration to be really confusing for this setup. I added a custom platform for vertical, then imported a few roms and chose the emulator path to my vertical mame folder. These games worked as expected. Later I added more roms, tried to scan for updated roms, and my roms imported but without any emulator set. I don't think the UI was designed for this sort of setup, so I was wondering if you had any quick tips on the best way to get this configured in this manner. Thanks! -Adam
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