Does anyone know where I can find wheel art, backgrounds, and logos for the games, as well as preview videos/snaps and other artwork? I got the MSU-1 games, but no artwork other that from this thread.
I really want to get a pair of light Guns. Does anyone have a recommendation? I don't need recoil, but definitely auto reload would be nice. I have heard of the Sinden light Guns, but those aren't out yet.
I have Big Box, and I am missing icons for some of my systems. Where can I get some, and how do I install them?
As you can see from my included picture, I am missing a lot, and many games are also missing icons.
Where can I get some 1080p flat borders (the ones without round edges) for Retroarch?
I see a lot here: Collections/Nosh01 1440 Plain
But these ones are 2560×1440 and cause some systems to still have some black on the sides, as seen on the attached picture.
I tried the suggestion for using the L trigger as break and R trigger as accelerate, but while they work in the menu, in the game it doesn't do anything, so I have to use the bumpers instead.
Those buttons work in menus, but for some reason in game, the accelerate doesn't seem to function correctly when I hold down Rtrigger (mapped to accelerate).
Does anyone have a list of what buttons in SuperModel 3 correspond to what buttons on an Xbox 360 controller? I am especially interested in trying to figure out how to properly map the break and accelerate to the L and R triggers. I can use the UI to configure the buttons, but I can't seem to figure out how to map L and R triggers.
I can successfully turn off bilinear filter for each core individually (I have to be within a game and then change it), but when I load up RetroArch with no core selected, turningvoff bilinear filtering has no effect when I then load up a core.
A lot of retro systems use Retroarch, and it seems like bilinear filtering is set to on by default for every core (which makes the pixel graphics blurry). Is there a way to turn off bilinear filtering for all supported cores without having to do it for each core one at a time?