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Everything posted by johnnyskullhead

  1. when you import games the manuals are referenced but I do not know how to access
  2. Sorry yes I was not clear I was talking about individual manuals for games in Launch box not launch box itself - saying that it would be great to have some kind of reference for Launch box Thanks
  3. Hi as anyone knows of my existence on these forums will know I am stupid quick stupid question if Launch box has downloaded PDF instructions how do I access ? Thanks Again
  4. thanks I will have a look one I have got for mame seems to run ok so I will try to copy over if I delete other rom it wont corrupt folder or stop it working ? or do I leave both roms ?
  5. like I said runs fast enuff and other tekkens and other Namco stuff run fine it would not start using me current rom
  6. Cheers matey will do
  7. does anyone know how to add additional roms to Zinc I think the version of Tekken 3 I have got is corrupted but I don't know how to replace as they are numbered in emu if anyone can help I would appreciate Thanks
  8. cheers matey Appreciate it
  9. Hi recently posted re ZiNc and Tekken 3 was given some advice but could not game to start so I ran via Mame .184b works fine , but I like the scan line effect in ZiNc is there a way to have a CRT effect in MAme ? do I need a plug in ? Thanks
  10. anyone else having issues with Tekken3 - ZiNc
  11. all other games start fine and play fine and I can use my joypad
  12. Thanks maybe mines corrupted but I can add credits with space but I cannot start - pressed every key on keyboard cannot start the game all others work fine
  13. anyone got Tekken3 to work via Zinc? everything else seems fine , can start and works with stick Tekken3 will boot and runs intro sound is intermittent and does not want to start a game and I have tried several roms all same Thanks
  14. Cheers matey
  15. where do I get that mate ?
  16. Cheers boss ?
  17. Does that config give you full screen on a 1080 p display ?
  18. worked fine up to last few days
  19. ill send a pic
  20. think so in same folder i think -
  21. tried manually changing res see pic some go full screen but not all
  22. Hi up to recently Zinc was working fine via Launchbox now it will not play games in Launchbox or if you try standalone i downloaded new roms and have tried seperate versions it either runs screen goes black and then nothing or i get an error message ERROR: cannot open renderer plugin i have tried multiple times with multiple vesions and multiple romsets no joy Any Ideas Thanks
  23. That works good thanks but still window in middle of screen my resolution in Launchbox is 1080p so how do i change resolution so the image in Saturn is true 4-3 on screen not a rectangle with borders on all sides ? Thanks
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