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Everything posted by johnnyskullhead

  1. I was made aware video was done last week , then Sentaibrads departure what do you mean re latest beta ?
  2. Hi all just wondering has not been a new tutorial for nearly 3 weeks any ideas why ?
  3. if my motherboard will take it looking at fx9590
  4. Thanks for everyones help
  5. Many Thanks really helpful
  6. AMD FX-6300
  7. overclocked but still running slow
  8. ok thanks for help so a cpu overclock might help ? is mario kart a hard one to run ? SMB 2d world runs 60 frames no problem anyone got a working 720 graphics pack , i tried to amend 1080 one but it stays in 1080
  9. anyone else had issues with Mario Kart ??? had a look mate but its very zelda specific now running 1.81 is it due to processor/gpu too slow btw does anyone know if its gpy or cpu that makes the most difference? Thanks
  10. ok matey will have a look thanks got it running but slow as a bastard which is stange as marioworld 2 d runs fine
  11. Hi Matey

    sorry to bother you , but I hoped I could ask you a question

    recently watched Taito Type X tutorial , which is about a year old I wondered if that was the best way to go or do you know any better methods ?

    Thanks for any help




  12. currently not running via launchbox I have keys yes if I had the wrong one would that cause it to crash ? looking at ripping an original disk
  13. Ok just wondered if anyone had any ideas ? is it likely to me my machine or do I need to change something in settings
  14. So any ideas ? Two different versions both dont work !
  15. Hi recently watched Sentaibrads video on Taito Type X got some games wondering which is best way to implement ? Sentaibrads way? or via Eta Primes video on windows programs sorry to ask again thanks again
  16. johnnyskullhead


    Hi anyone any experience with Cemu ? tried two versions of Mario Kart both crash Super mario world 3d fine Any help appreciated Thanks
  17. Cheers matey I will gave a go later Appreciate your help again
  18. Hi Yes plugged in works sweet set up Thanks To help here for Neo Geo - Metal Slug is 100% easier to play gonna try again to finish without using 27 continues ! btw would dip switches for difficulty be in same quick menu if game had it ? Thanks Again
  19. Cheers Matey
  20. Hi Sorry to post again been using xbox 360 pad with Launchbox and emus with no problems but i have got a hori 360 fight stick tucked away somewhere will it work out of the box being a 360 device ?
  21. using another core now working sweet and controls working Thanks for all your help
  22. games now run but no controller menu ? new install
  23. yes its fba 2012 neo geo the option is not there is it because its FBA2012 NeoGeo ?
  24. Thanks will do
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