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Everything posted by johnnyskullhead

  1. Reinstalled Windows now seems sorted Thanks for help
  2. Will also check That Mate Thanks
  3. will do mayte thanks
  4. cheers mate will check out Thanks
  5. Yes its 1080p 60 Htz
  6. old is 730 new gpu is 1060 tried several times to update drivers via NVidia
  7. Think so mate will check when I get home
  8. Hi really struggling Had great help in this forum before having major issues with what i believe is graphics card , but may not be when playing games via Launchbox or via PC Games when i monitor the FPS its constantly fluxuating above 120 fps to low as 15 even on emus where previously it worked fine. Crysis also worked consistently at 60 fps now its as low as 20-25 also if trying to watch you tube is missing every 2nd frame is missing and it jerks i have checked to see if its bandwidth , its not because my old pc works fine this is a recent thing as i upgraded the gpu and it initially worked fine any help would be appreciated Dean
  9. Sorted got Rom from FBA works fine
  10. Hi running Neo Geo via Retroarch i have tried multiple roms cannot get Cyberlip to work Any Ideas would be helpful Thanks Dean
  11. ok mate cheers workin thru your excellent suggestions
  12. what slows stuff down ? is it number of games and speed of hdd ?
  13. not sure mate but it does happen overall speed seems down any tips to speed up ?
  14. only tried Launchbox all that i have tried with at least one of them retroarch Thanks Dean
  15. Hi Recently upgraded to 7.11 and having few problems when I press escape to come out of a game screen goes black and nothing, this happens on multiple emus sometime it eventually goes back into launchbox other times I have to reset and reload also the whole thing seems much slower, when navigating through Launchbox any ideas Thanks in Advance
  16. many thanks found that option appears to be working great
  17. Probably not is that an option in Mame ? i will look Thanks Matey
  18. Hi All sorry to post again question - running Mame.184 and certain games I am getting tearing and artifacting is there a setting i can change to remove this ? Thanks
  19. ok mate will check
  20. Hi sorry to post again trying to run Mouse on Operation Wolf cant seem to get it to work tried changing settings in main menu and in game using tab menu can't get it to work Any help would be appreciated Thanks Dean
  21. Got Sorted Thanks To neil9000 & DOS76
  22. Thanks will have a go think its on auto at moment
  23. Cheers mate will av a go
  24. Hi Sorry sure this is the wrong forum But i have always got help here so Running Crysis and it seems to lock at 24FPS I am running a GTX 1060 on a Sony 48" tv other games run ok at 60 FPS but it seems to lock at 24 fps like it was a film any ideas Thanks
  25. ok cant move on processor at moment because need new motherboard etc
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