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Everything posted by johnnyskullhead

  1. Hi All sorry to post again I recently updated me pc to rum emulators but iam not sure if its made much difference added AMD 8350 CPU overclocked to 4200 & Nvidia 1050TI GPU basically I got what I could afford seen a bit of extra speed not vast Cemu seems to run a bit faster was wondering if I should upgrade GPU slightly to 1060 ? or add another 8 gb of ram Anyone got any thoughts ? Thanks in Advance Dean
  2. Ok Matey Thanks Again
  3. Hi just wondering if any recommendations NDS & GBA Emu's I would rather go the non Retroarch route as it always gives me problems Thanks Dean
  4. Working sweet from external HDD Both Launchbox & Emulators on that drive Thanks for help
  5. transferring now matey will let ya know
  6. Roms arent moving so they should still work hopefully ?!?!
  7. Ok Not sure now sounds like i am likely to fuck it up would not do it but running out os space on C drive Thanks Again
  8. Cheers matey ?Cheers matey
  9. Hi just watched Eta Primes video on running Launchbox from ext drive transferred my Launchbox folder 70gb but my Emulators run from a seperate folder so it dont work if i transfer the emulator folder to the ext drive will it then work ? does Launchbox default emulators to same drive as its own folder ? Am i strange to run emus from outside launchbox folder ?
  10. + ok matey
  11. Agreed Matey
  12. Ok Mate Thanks I would rather wait not sure about betas Nothing in particular , just like a new version
  13. Hi all sorry to post not even sure if its in right topic group It seems an age since last update anyone any ideas when full 7.11 is out ? Thanks Dean
  14. Thanks to me Mucker Rexryan
  15. ok cheers matey
  16. is it worth it i already got f zero on Gamecube whats Mario Kart like better than Gamecube ?
  17. tried it all games crash maybe its my isos ? what format should they be in ?
  18. so is there no emu to rum em then ?
  19. Hi Sorry to post again has anyone got Tri-Force games to work i have tried to run via Dolphin and the isos have got crash comes up with a dvd error ? Thanks Dean
  20. How long , im sure i left mine for ages tried three versions all same
  21. Hi all sorry to bother again been trying to run Garou-Mark of the wolves using demul (Dreamcast) tried several different isos from different sites both Jap and USA strats to boot gets to SNK screen and locks up tried changing bios and video settings no joy Any Ideas Any help would be appreciated Thanks
  22. sorry sorted set to auto
  23. Hi trying to run KOF99 on Demul but everytime i run it comes up with an error message this game does not support av cable connected please disconnect Any Ideas ?
  24. ok matey i am sure it will be fine
  25. yes mate i am aware what iam saying is it was ready last week so why the delay is it to do with departures of people ?
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