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Everything posted by thraxlol

  1. FYI I ripped out my over-complicated audio setup and still never found an answer to this question. Since then I've changed computers and completely re-hashed my LB setup from the ground up so just worked around the issue rather than fix it. Good luck though!
  2. Absolutely! The setup's not too crazy now that I've wrapped my head around it a lot more. Since my original post (and as recent as yesterday) I've started a fresh install of LB and RA from scratch on another drive and go as vanilla as possible. Same issue is present right from the get go At the suggestion of someone on the RA support forum I made core specific configs but to no avail. I've done what you suggested above as well, both the new (freshly downloaded latest version) and old (older version, different drive, different GUI so i don't get them mixed up) behave the same way. Loading RA then ROM = work, loading ROM into RA in 1 move (LB, cmd, etc) no sound until I load a different ROM. 100% strange right? I'm fairly reserved to the idea that I'll just have to live with it until the day I move my retro gaming to another rig without the overly elaborate sound setup.
  3. @Lordmonkus I've learned a lot about my own audio setup in the last 6 months and while I wouldn't rule it out I've got no way around it, and I'm pretty sure it's nothing to do with LB, but posted here because there's so much knowledge that someone might have a great idea. The sound does NOT with through RA on it's own unless I launch RA and then open a game from with it's GUI. If I use LB or cmd prompt (e.g. "retroarch.exe -L cores\parallel_n64_libretro.dll games\PaperMario.n64") there's no sound, but once RA is open I could use history (or load game) and when another game opens, sound works no worries. I've found launching a game and hitting restart (h, or via menu) doesn't fix it, specifically need to switch games but it's not a ROM issue... Let's say I have 2 games (any game, any system as I have thousands / full collections configured), I double-click game 1 in LB (or cmd prompt as mentioned) and it launches with no sound, in RA I open game 2 and everything's good and back to normal with sound, then using the RA menu I go straight back to game 1 and sound remains working. Workaround is just a frustrating 'alternate launch' every time I want to play something.... it's just annoying
  4. Still struggling with this issue (basically just stopped playing retro games for 6+ months because it annoyed me so much)... but now bumping this thread. I have opened RA and saved a config when there is an issue, then loaded the same game manually and saved another config - compared them (in notepad++ and Word) and they're identical. I've got a thread on the RA forums about this as well but no one there seems to have an answer either I tried your suggestion above and explicitly launch RA with a core config that was saved when all sound was working, but same result. Thanks for the suggestion though!
  5. Wow this is an old post! Just to update my reply for the sake of it I now use Nvidia ShadowPlay for all gameplay recording, and OBS if I need to record desktop. For consoles (XB1, PS4, Switch) I used an El Gato HD60S to get the footage into the PC, and then OBS to record.
  6. Yes and no... it's something pretty hard to track down as most of it goes back to 'just set your app to the right audio route', which is the fix for most things. The vast sea of internet help forums and google don't make it easy to narrow down something as niche as this. I'm hoping to gain more insight into how RA switches cores on their forums, so far I've found the GUI doesn't use the CLI commands, so that's one thing I guess... I guess another issue here is that while I could identify the active processes in task manager etc, unless they show up in sound options for me to alter the route it doesn't do me much good; and all processes that I've found so far that do show up, I've changed (thus why the audio routing works, other than with CLI start).
  7. Cheers for the reply I continued testing more and more after this post so I'll put those discoveries below. Winding back on when it was working Vs when it was not: the actual change made was to the in/out sound options for Nvidia ShadowPlay (which detect RetroArch and can capture it, but that was always the case regardless of wether or not ShadowPlay recorded the sound or not. I can see in the sound options that different cores present as different application names (in terms of audio routing), however these have all been set identically (which is to output to the correct route) and don't change between RA working and not working. Further tests/info: - Retroarch and all cores updated fresh to latest versions. NO CHANGE - Opening retroarch.exe via cmd line without core/rom switches. SOUND WORKING - Opening retroarch.exe via cmd line with core/rom switches. NO SOUND - Opening retroarch.exe via cmd line with core/rom switches and then using history to open a different rom (same or different core) OR closing content and picking any other rom. SOUND WORKING Info I don't have is if using history to open another rom for the same core unloads the core and then reloads it or not, or if the GUI is using similar cmd line switches behind the scenes to do the tasks I'm selecting in the menu. I've tried this with a number of cores and roms from the cmd line and it looks like the audio is failing on startup, but I don't need to close Retroarch to get it working again... I just need to change core/game. I have a thread on the Retroarch forums as well but so far no luck. I'm not dismissing the fact my sound routing could be the issue, and likely is, however that is both extremely inconvenient to un-do and ultimately to have a workable setup it needs to be how it is (e.g. having my mic and headset working with video conferencing (Zoom, Teams, Zoho), Streaming (OBS), ShadowPlay (recording gameplay for retro and modern games), etc). If it's between using the workaround for RA sound and undoing my entire sound config, I'll just have to live with working around the RA issue. I'm ok with that, but if anyone has alternative options feel free to let me know
  8. Hi @tweeder, do you have some more info about your setup? You're in the Launchbox support forum and Launchbox only launches other games systems (Steam, Emulators, etc) - what system are you trying to launch and play?
  9. Hi all, hope someone can help me out here! **Brief issue** : I have a rather advnaced audio setup on my PC, and while fixing my recording capabilities I've now got an issue where: Anytime I launch any RetroArch game via cmd line (e.g. using Launchbox) the audio does not work (any core, any game). However if I launch RetroArch.exe alone and then use the history to launch a game (or go to a core then load a game I haven't played before) the audio works perfectly. **Extended Setup Info:** The core pieces to understand here are: - I'm using Voicemeeter Potato and EarTrumpet (MS App) to route audio per-app through various interfaces - Using an XLR mic and USB audio interface (thus the need for Voicemeeter) to record audio - Using standard USB headset for audio out - Using Nvidia ShadowPlay to record video/desktop sound For anyone not familiar with the above, I effectively have control over the audio routing for every individual application on my PC, so that I can stream or record and only capture what I want (e.g. I could play Spotify music that only I can hear, but stream/record my in-game sound and mic). Same example with streaming while watching Youtube, I set Chrome to pipe straight to my headphones so that any stream viewers cannot hear the audio, etc. Now, this setup can be rather complex and taxing on the brain, but it works, and as far as I can see/test it's now setup and shouldn't have anything to do with the issues I'm seeing - just worth noting as this issue didn't start until I was troubleshooting why I couldn't capture game audio. **What I've done:** To get ShadowPlay capturing game audio I had to ensure it ('NVIDIA Container' in app volume device settings, when it's running) was set to take an INPUT of the Voicemeeter output channel I use for desktop audio (not chrome/music) and an OUTPUT of Voicemeeter input channel. So when I open a game the audio path goes GAME > VOICEMEETER OUT > SHADOWPLAY IN > SHADOWPLAY OUT > VOICEMEETER IN > VOICEMEETER OUT > SPEAKERS (Headset). The Voicemeeter interface is just an I/O in the app, but Windows picks it up as separate in/out - which it should. I've also gone through RetroArch options, however the exact same config if used whether it's launched with or without cmd line (Launchbox), so I'm starting my search for a fix here. **Please Help :)** Now, back to my issue here... prior to reconfiguring I had sound in RetroArch when launching from LaunchBox but no sound in my recordings. Now I've fixed the sound in recordings but I only get sound in game if I open RetroArch and then the game I want. So I'm hoping someone has more advanced knowledge than me to help figure out why launching via cmd line would break the sound. Thanks in advance!
  10. Cheers I'll look into it My bad Monkus, thanks for the edit!
  11. Most of these games were Win95 - WinXP era
  12. Hey guys! Wondering if anyone out there has some advice for me on how to get old Windows games launching and running through Launchbox (most likely through a VM of some sort like exoDOS collection uses) @eXo might actually be the best person to assist My setup: Modern Win10 machine, 16GB RAM, GTX 1080 GPU, Z270X-Gaming K5 mobo, i7-7700K CPU. I used Launchbox configured with just about every handheld, console, MAME, and the latest eXoDOS collection, so I'm hoping I have the required tools already installed and just a bit of direction in how to setup/launch them with something not pre-configured by eXo The games (or at least a few) that I'm looking to get working are: That's pretty much it.. any help and advice people have got is much appreciated! Thanks Edited by Lordmonkus Links to roms and games are not permitted, there is no such thing as "abandonware".
  13. Hey guys, any big Wii emulation fans? I understand using dolphin etc, but with most of the Wii games being WiiMote-centric, how/what do you guys play in an optimal setup? I've never emulated Wii on PC before but pretty much play everything with an xb1 controller. My (maybe uneducated) opinion is that most Wii games really 'need' the WiiMote functions, so does Dolphin accomodate for this without actually needing to controllers? Does it convert the function to something usable with a gamepad? What are the best games to play and which ones just don't work without WiiMote's, etc? So many questions...
  14. Hey guys, I've got a 1200 (ish) strong collection of games from a ton of different consoles, plus their consoles (boxed and unboxed), basically a really decent collection that I'm going to part ways with. Now.. I'm in AU and obviously seeking buyers here (in big pieces or as a bulk lot - Roughly $20K AUD worth), but thought I'd drop a thread here just in case there's any major collectors on here that are interested in obtaining a ton (100%) of PAL stuff all in one hit Never hurts to ask right? I do have pics and listings of everything but won't bother going into that much detail unless there's someone with legitimate interest on dropping a few grand + shipping. Cheers
  15. Hey guys, in a couple of weeks I'm going to have exclusive access to a development video pinball cabinet and I'll be testing and making video content for anything and everything I can think of; and I wanted to reach out to this community for some idea's First the back story... I'm not employed by or sponsored, affiliated, or anything else with the company; I live nearby, run a gaming podcast, and have been in touch with them and friendly for many years so they've offered me an exclusive playtest To my knowledge I'm one of only 2 people to be offered this access, which includes them shipping me a complete cabinet for 2 weeks to essentially do "whatever I want" with for review and exploration purposes - obviously within the realms of what they're happy with, I'm not stripping parts or PCB's etc. The machine is a Windows PC with a customized edition of popular pinball software running, at raw basics. It has proprietary hardware for tilt and shakers, addressable LED lighting, and various control methods (pinball, arcade, xbox kinect, and full controller support include PS3/xbox/general USB, etc.) While they obviously want me to run through everything it can do, I am also free to remove their supplied PC and put in my own to have a real play around and the first thing my mind went to was "get launchbox running on it". There is no doubt going to be teething issues around screen placement as it uses 3 monitors and all sorts of funky windows settings on how they are aligned, but i'll give anything and everything a crack as best I can (including VR with my VIVE I think). So, very wide and unspecific idea's thus far... anyone here got something they would like tested to see how the cabinet handles it?
  16. For all the Wii emulators out there (people, not software :P).... what do you use for controllers? I've been tinkering with the idea of emulating the Wii, but I strictly only use a x360 controller (or kb/mouse), and don't want to burden my setup with annoyances like a censor bar and wiimotes / battery crap. Is everyone that's emulating Wii / Wii U using a censor bar / wiimote setup, or is there a list of titles that specifically work with a regular USB control pad that people can recommend? Cheers!
  17. I grabbed it on the Switch on release date and absolutely love it! It's 'almost' identical to the original, with a few small and sensible tweaks. I found it much easier than the original, however I loved that about it because I always sucked at the Master System version! Overall it's amazingly enjoyable, and the new graphics, effects, and music are just magical. Not that it spoils anything, but they things I noticed that were changed: While I actually prefer Wonder Boy in Monster Land over Dragon's Trap on Master System, this remake is just immaculate and will keep me coming back to it over and over. Pretty sure I'll never play the Master System version again
  18. Yeah, got it all sorted Thanks @SentaiBrad amd @lordmonkus
  19. Cheers, that'll do nicely
  20. Found it You meant the platform specific xml in LaunchBox\Data\Platforms
  21. Thanks My platforms.xml has no ROM paths in it?....
  22. Hmm, it's not re-downloading media, just reaching out to the database(s) to check/verify which is making it painfully slow, but again I don't expect there's a way around it.
  23. On a related note... when I re-import it appears to be reaching out and re-downloading media for the games - I want it to use the existing media that I've already got...
  24. Hi guys, So.... I setup LB with all my ROM's on a secondary HDD, and I'm now putting together a portable version (which has ROM's under the LB folder structure. I've already got all the metadata and video's etc, but obviously a straight copy/paste means all my ROMs have the wrong file path. Is there any way to select all games per console and edit the folder to the new one? I'm sort of assuming there's not, as the path goes to the file level, not the folder... but thought I'd ask so that I could avoid re-importing if possible.
  25. Oh really?.... damn!
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