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Posts posted by mothergoose729

  1. Just now, DOS76 said:

    Do you have a reference to that thing with the i5's needing liquid cooling and does it specifically mention the i5 8600

    The box cooler will work fine at stock speeds. If you want to overclock at high frequencies, than the biggest obstacle is heat. Even with a 280mm AIO liquid cooler reviewers were seeing temperatures in the 90c and thermal throttling running at 5.0ghz. This is with the 8700K model, which runs a touch hotter because of hyper threading, but the 8600k can be expected to run at very similar temperatures at the same frequencies. 



  2. 25 minutes ago, slimskinny said:

    Hi guys,

    seeing that the core I5-8600k and I7-7700k (higher clock speed) are coming up at pretty much the same price. which one would you go for and why?

    You will more likely get slightly better performance in emulators out of the 7700k. The six core chips run very hot, and it is pretty much mandatory that you have custom water cooling in order to get those 5.0ghz clock speeds. With that being said, a 4.5-4.7ghz overclock is very achievable with either chip, and really the frequency I would feel comfortable for either one. The 8600k is a lot more processor. I would rather have the extra two cores even if it costs me maybe 200mhz on my overclock, and even if those exta cores will contribute pretty much zero to emulators or games. I would get the 8600k. I plan to get one for myself next year. 

  3. 45 minutes ago, lordmonkus said:

    Yeah I grew up on the 2600 and while I have nostalgic love for it, it really is tough to go back and play a great percentage of the games. Only a small selection of the games are still fun for me to go back and play.

    I'm fairly certain the lack of real interest in it is because of its age and for a great percentage of people today it was not their first console. While it was popular it was no way near as popular as the NES.

    I never played the atari 2600 on the real console, but a fair number of the games are great fun. I like frogs and flies, Kaboom, Circus Atari, Enduro,  Stampede, and Combat. The arcade ports are hard to get behind because  MAME is so much better, but the 2600 version of donkey kong isn't bad. I play on the original controllers with an adapter too, even though they are objectively terrible. 

  4. 41 minutes ago, Zombeaver said:

    VICE is a good emulator, but it doesn't have Maximum 1541 Speed.

    The m3u and joystick thing are neat, but every game requires some amount of loading, only some games are multi-disk or require joystick swapping. Most games use port 2. The ones that require port 1 take less than a second to switch. Neither one of those are as much of a QOL improvement as Maximum 1541 Speed imo.

    I think the statement that "only a handful" of games require True Drive emulation is overselling it frankly. It's more common than you might think. And the beauty of Maximum 1541 Speed is that you're getting the speed benefit without losing True Drive emulation.

    You can get away with not using it a lot of times is what I meant. And by most, I mean less than half, but still a lot.

    Vice has a turbo mode, not a load warp. It just unlocks the framerate and lets you spin as fast as your system will let it. You can set the emulator to start with it already toggled, which makes sense because games start by loading from disk or tape. You have to disable it manually when you are ready to actually play. In my limited experience, CCS64 is a lot faster even still. Some voodoo witch craft it does. It is a neat feature, I just like that VICE is so configurable. 

  5. In VICE you can start the game with warp mode automatically toggled. It isn't as good as the feature in CCS64 as you have to manually disable it, but its better than nothing. VICE also lets you create the VICE equivalent of M3U file for seamless disk switching, and you can set the port number for your joystick in the command line, so you don't have to manually switch it for those games that use Port 2. 

    If you turn off true 1541 drive emulation you also get a nice speed boost. Only a handful of games really need it. 

    I stick with VICE for these reasons. It also has the ability to emulate tons of other commodore machines, if you are a collector of emulators as I am :).

  6. 47 minutes ago, reaper71129 said:

    Thanks for the advice tho... i didn't know that AMD was that far behind tho.... I had been using the FX8300 for PC games and it seamed to be holding up ok.

    Bulldozer is a particularly low point . Ryzen is really good, and there is every reason to believe Ryzen 2 could be even better. 

  7. How you have it now is the best setup. 

    The FX 8300 chips have two integer cores and one floating point core per module, with four modules total. Emulators that run in software push a lot of floating point math to the CPU, which means your 8 core CPU is effectively only a four core CPU in the right workloads. The floating point precision is technically better on the AMD chips, but in practice intel chips from the same generation are much, much faster. You can expect your i7 3770 to perform as much as 50% better than your FX 8300 in certain workloads. Emulation is not a favorable workload for AMD chips from that era. 

  8. I had a chance to mess around today with the sound drivers and here is my opinion. 

    The default MAME driver with no DAC Quantanization and no low pass filter definitely sounds the cleanest, as in has the least amount of audio distortion. Unfortunately this makes everything sound extremely tinny and flat. 

    The YM2612 sounds the best to my ear with no DAC and the low pass filter enabled. Compared to the default MAME driver, the sound is a lot fuller and the bass is much more pronounced. There is also a subtle buzzing background on some frequencies and everything sounds just a bit like it is being played out of a blown out speaker. 

    I thought about it more today, and I am pretty sure I grew up with the model 1 genesis. The YM2612 feels more authentic too me, and I think it genuinely sound better. 

    The MAME driver with the low pass filter and the DAC turned on sounds pretty close to the YM2612, and it is a lot less resource intensive. Compared to the YM2612 though, MAME with DAC sounds a just a bit muddier to my ear and retains a touch more of the tiny quality on the high end. 

  9. Write a script that runs through a loop. Changes title every 7.465 minutes. Automatically load the next game. Pause every five titles for bathroom breaks and eating. Total time allocated for games is 864.65 per day, or just over 14 hours. Totally doable. 

    Wife exasperated "or you can just have less games".

    Amend to-do list. 

    1. Divorce wife

    2. Pay the electricity bill 3 years in advance

    3. Write script...

    • Haha 1
  10. On 9/8/2017 at 10:54 AM, Zombeaver said:

    I can't find much info on it, but it's possible that it requires 3.1+ yes. I've actually got instances of 3.1 and 95 setup in DOSBox. 3.1 is fairly straightforward, but 95 was quite a chore to get up and running in DOSBox. There are quite a few tutorials on how to do both, but I'd definitely start with 3.1.

    I've been focusing on adding some 3.1 stuff to my library lately:

    9: The Last Resort
    Crusader: Adventure Out of Time
    Dark Seed II
    Dust: A Tale of the Wired West
    Gadget: Invention, Travel, Adventure
    Johnny Mnemonic
    Logical Journey of the Zoombinis
    Majestic Part 1: Alien Encounter
    Panic In The Park
    The Dark Eye
    The Journeyman Project Turbo!
    Titanic: Adventure Out Of Time

    Once you get your 3.1 instance setup, you can just duplicate it for specific games (it's only about 50MB), boot it up, install the game, and then add the path to the game .exe to the run= field in the Win.ini file (\Windows\Win.ini) and it'll boot the game as soon as the 3.1 OS starts. Pretty handy.

    I want to play Dust again pretty bad, but I just haven't taken the jump into OS inception yet :p. 

  11. It is really impressive how far they have come in such a short amount of time. KD-11 has performed miracles. Their patreon reached a level recently where KD-11 agreed to quit his day job and work on it full time, so it doesn't look like they will be slowing down any time soon. 

    I am still waiting for things to be more mature though. RCPS3 can boot a lot of games now, but only about 15% of games are full playable. When that number is around 80% is when I plan to jump on board. 

    I'll be playing at native resolution though, because I am one of "those" guys :p.  

  12. 35 minutes ago, lordmonkus said:

    If a shader is impacting performance it is most likely your video card.

    I use stand alone Mame for ColecoVision.

    It might be something to do with the way RA handles everything. It is a pretty beefy video card, as far as those go. 


    In general, I have to use lighter shader presets with MAME in RA than I do with well... any other core. 

  13. I got colecovision working in MAME within retroarch, however it was such a stupidly obtuse setup that is, as far as I can tell, an entirely documented capability that I really don't recommend it. The accuracy is probably amazing, but the performance is also pretty poor considering the era of the system. My gaming PC can handle it, but performance intensive shaders cause noticeable slow down. 

    Standalone MAME or dedicated emulator would be the best bet. Don't use MAME in retroarch for anything but quick and easy Arcade games.

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