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Everything posted by Zeaede

  1. Im trying to get a bezel to work with Rocketlauncher, using gambatte_libretro core with Retroarch This is what ia want using COINOPS with GAMEBOY When trying to do the same with RocketLauncher and Retroarch it looks like this Is it possible to move location so the game screen can fit inside the wholethe green frame?
  2. Do you think it's possible with big box have that extra system wheel on the left?
  3. Anyone had this issue, knows what's wrong what to do?
  4. Trying to set up Steem with Atari When launching a game, Steem says this games requires 1 mb ram But that is changed to 4, and same game is working outside Launchbox? Anyone got Steem working, or are other emulators better options? With multidiscs, is it to prefer roms unzipped?
  5. When that is happening, the imported system can't be found on the list and not in the data\plattform folder Can do next time when it's happening
  6. And sometimes when trying install a system i get the message 0 games were imported successfully With the file removed from data\platform What is causing that blocking?
  7. All my CHD system is working with RA, just not with SEGA CD But i get it to work with RA outside LB RL
  8. Thanks for tip Didn't found "Hide Games Missing Box Front Image" anywhere bt when i removed NES from \\LaunchBox\Data\Platforms\ folder i got it working What i find strange this was the first time i get this problem Thanks again
  9. This is how it looks when im trying to import system, every game are in grey boxes with no picture If i go to another system and then back to the last imported system it looks like this This is also happening if i try with new fresh clear installation of LB But i guess tomorrow it's gonna work again import system with pictures
  10. Im only using LB RL When it didn't worked yeastarday i took a break, then tried today and it work, for later today not to work Can be some issues to the LB database?
  11. No, the issue is back If i try import a system, the import says how many games There i see all games in gray boxes If i go to another system and back to the system that was imported, it says no results
  12. For some 12 hours i must have some kind of glitch All of sudden it now seems to work All games are imported with pictures
  13. So i got some weird issuse with LB Can't install any system, zipped or not same results When importing a system, it says how many games was imported When checking that imported system, no games have pictures on it, every game title is in a gray box When going back to that imported system "no results was found" Any help appraciated
  14. To make it more weird I got another system to play CHD through Launchbox > Rocketlauncher > Retroarch So at least it works
  15. I noticed i have a red varning label, it says module has a dublicate ID Coulde this cause issues?
  16. When i go after your setting It ends up like this when launching game LB > RL > RA Any ideas?
  17. Only difference to mine was 7z enable rest was the same
  18. You was right, it was selected on Hyperspin Changed it to Launchbox, but still same results not launching
  19. If it didn't worked with CHD RA outside LB and RL And CHD was not in the extension i would have understand But im totally lost when it works with CHD RA outside LB and RL and CHD is in the extensions?
  20. This is how it looks when selected Sega CD and moduls in RL
  21. When i run other systems, i have this It says loading complete with a voice So when i try Launchbox > RL > RA it ends up with that other black screen But it looks nice when it's working with other systems
  22. I have a couple of versions of RA But thanks for helping me out, will try yours
  23. RetroArch.ahk
  24. It's quite big, copy paste whole thing?
  25. Thanks for info Is it edit module with your prefered editor? Only thing worked for me in RL
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