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Everything posted by Zeaede

  1. If you go with hyperspin xml and rocketlauncher i think it's about 200 missing roms But since someone added them to hyperpsin xml they do must excists?
  2. I said no mate It seems very stable as of what i have tried so far Another exampel - if i would import roms From when i click on the menu bar and is asked to import folder - there the mouse again could chainge from ponter to blue circle rotating and if i didn't press button it could take a couple of minutes before i could go on import the folder If i pressed button during that point LB would end crashing, nothing now either
  3. On previous version i had problems with "wobbling" The frame could change it's structure - haven't noticed anything of that now Also i had issues LB crashed if i switched to another system on the menu bar - nothing of that now But when if if did - say i want to switch to another system - the mouse pointer changes to a blue circle like it's on idle If i press mouse button LB would end up freezing with a white screen with eventually ends with a message this program has stop responding
  4. Just upgrade it - 8.4 seems much more stable more quick faster responds before
  5. I have over 30k at the moment Still missing some of the big sets like ps1 ps2 gamecube dos amiga
  6. Thanks again for screens Would like to see a turtorial on youtube with this and launchbox and systems supporting it
  7. Thanks for screen Do i just have to put BIOS under mainfolder for MAME64?
  8. I have had MAME in mind, Mind i ask what mame plattform you are running it with? Like a jungle to pick right it seems
  9. Have you got all MXS games to work? I have issues with some roms, does not get passed the MSX logo starting up the blue screen with black logo Tried both Retroarch bluemsx have the bios so don't know if i do wrong or my roms is not working?
  10. Zeaede

    Dosbox and cd

    I finally got bigger drives and try out Exodos more The games with no cd is no problem to import It's more difficult when it requires cd The tricky part is to mount the cd I have seen some turtorials but it does not like like that now if there are any updates of it?
  11. No i have checked it, those roms it does not import it can't find with search It's strange With Launchbox roms it adds some roms, with the database on FS-UAE it does not add same roms? Éven if openretro says the games exists but not on my list on FS-UA
  12. Im doing the Amiga set in ADF format Trying to add some roms, does not take them all, even if i try same rom from different set? The roms are in zip files
  13. Can't play some MSX roms Have tried Retroarch and BlueMSX Have tried different version of same rom it wount start up Take 10th frame for example It just pass the MSX logo i have the BIOS
  14. I have tried different mess, most mess crashes when i launch it The mess version that seems to work best to me is mess 0.159, i also have matching bios in the roms folder But when i launch a game from messui after a minute of gaming screen freezes?
  15. Thanks for suggestion, after trying out CCS64 HOXS64 and 64forever, i tried winvice 1.6 and and i got keyboard settings to work and it does play widescreen like i want it Have tried getting on with vic-20, it have 4 different formats, tap format seems to work well but not prg format many games ends up with syntax error message?
  16. A Question with Amstrad CPC Can Launchbox run WinAPE with autoload? Retroarch does it great but does not run all games, those games RA does not run i have tried with WinAPE it runs the game as it should
  17. I had a look at it, like the ui of it It's easy to see suported computers and consoles If i want to run ZX Spectrum with it, how do you get it to support roms? Tried with one game but it was requesting "spectrum.rom" i have all spectrum emulators and bios but couldn't find anything with that name?
  18. OK thanks for explenation Another question, what mame is to recommended combined with mess? Seen a couple of different versions
  19. Ok so you need to have the bios in the roms folder in mame/mess? You can't go into mame/mess settings point folder to retroarch/system folder using same bios folder?
  20. A question about MESS BIOS Is it just to add folder where BIOS is (to me i have them in retroarch/system) or does them need to be placed anywhere in mame/mess folder?
  21. Great! Thanks for fast respond!
  22. Thanks for the screen GCE was just an example of 2 command lines looks like one when it belongs to 2 different windows settings in Launchbox
  23. Another reason i would like screenshots of associated platforms. If we go after GCE Vectrex for MESS It says vectrex -cart -skip_gameinfo -nowindow But when i saw the turtorial video only vectrex -cart is in the associated platform windows -skip_gameinfo - nowindow in the edit emulator windows So if you are new into this it can be a bit confusing see 2 command lines on the same line when it's actually 2 different command lines
  24. What i would like to see, if those who got many systems up and running If you could post screen shots with command line and associated platform and what systems for it? Screen shots is easy to take upload put it here Would like to see what other are using Im using winvice 1.6 and can run commodore 64 and 128 in full screen just like i want it, other might use other win vice run 4:3 instead
  25. I have to other issues with Launchbox When im about to import a new systems and files, from the point im clicking on import files to the actuall windows shows up it can take a couple of minutes and if i touch the keyboard during that time Launchbox craches Another example is when i have played a game and exit emulator Launchbox can crash too Before Launchbox is about to crash the mouse pointer have turned into a blue circle rotating I have a 4970K intel processor of all systems only 3ds is running a bit slow
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