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Everything posted by Zeaede

  1. I don't know where to look RetroArch module? But i find genesis_plus_gx in load core > download core?
  2. This is the message i get try run CHD through Launchbox > Rocketlauncher > RA These are the extensions i can find, chd are there
  3. I get to run chd with only RA When i see setting with Rocketlauncher extensions for chd is there But Rocketlauncher refuse play CHD games with RA can only play it with RA only How and where do i see extensions with RA? Thanks
  4. I updated my post I don't get it to work with Launchbox RocketLauncher RetroArch, RocketLauncher has a nice feature when loading game I get Launchbox RetroArch to work but missing the RocketLauncher feature
  5. I have a set with Sega CD in CHD When trying launch these in Launchbox it says it not supported? But when i check settings it says support chd And i get CHD running with Retroarch outside Launchbox? Any ideas? I want Launchbox > Rocket Launcher > Retroarch but that dosen't work It works with Launchbox RetroArch
  6. When i first import system games that not have clear logos, i see them when they get importet But if i go to another system and then back to the system i imported, the clear logos is not been showed Is there a way for this? If i use big box will the games appear with just a name and no clear logo?
  7. Thanks for image
  8. To bad the images can't be download manuall, would probably work faster
  9. Not a single game, whole system Same thing with new installed lb I have upto 200 mbit so my speed is OK
  10. Whenever im gonna import a new system and only pick one box front It takes forever to import it Anyone else having this problem? Importing one system takes over 24 hours for me, should it be like that?
  11. I have 4 combinations of Launchbox i want to merge together 2 of them is Exodos, the other 2 with other systems I know some folders you can just move overs, but not with some files? The idea is, when all versions is merged, i should just start Launchbox and all media images files etc should be right on the frontend Thanks
  12. I have set of swtich xci roms of 6 tb total Im pretty much very close complete set of wii, think that is around 3 TB comgination of wbfs and gtz format I have 3 sets of wii-u, wux, wii u usb little helper and scene release, that is total 3 tb, each release around 1 tb
  13. I have complete set of Wii combined gtz and wbfs... it's at least over 3 TB Im getting the full set of wii u little helper, think it's gonna be over 1 TB I was suprised my cpu could do xbox 360 games so i have to grab that too
  14. Don't know how much my collection is gonna end at But im gonna add PS3 XBOX360 WII U WII and Switch The Switch set is at 6tb and so is the WII set, PS3 XBOX 360 is bigger sets
  15. Something happend with my CEMU, when i try play any game at any format i get the message "ErrEula" Anyone knows about it and if it can be fixed? Thanks!
  16. Finally got that emulator setup download it from somewhere else allready configure Would never ever figure it out myself
  17. If i try importing all MAME it seems go very slow downloading playlist media, should it be that way?
  18. Thanks for screens, now i got the same look on game wheel, but without logos on games. That simple step is missing at many instructions how set up theme I figured out how to get logos for the games, just check all marks when importing games for that system If i want videosnaps i get them from EMU movies
  19. I don't find any instructions anywhere how to get main wheel game wheel looks like this with that selected theme There is dussin of options and combinations to pick in settings No turtorial is showing how that is done with Apply as Main Theme or Apply as All turtorials is missing steps how to
  20. 'At 9:00 it shows how i have with black background But no instruction is showing how go from black to all wheels have the theme But never mind
  21. Where have i ignored? I asked question about something i have missed but can't give me simple answer, i simply have to look for them myself
  22. Ok then, i leave launchbox and go full coin ops 2 instead
  23. Since i have nothing to go after i try whatever But thanks anyway
  24. Thanks for the request, however, im kinda noob with big box and themese I have seen some turtorials but they seems to missing some steps which is making me lost I figured out you have to add themes at Apply as Main Theme and Apply as (there options of platforms and gamewheels is shown) But from there im totally lost Any help appreciated
  25. Noticed some changes with Apply as Main Theme and Apply as (there options of platforms and gamewheels is shown) But still not even close
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