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viritys last won the day on March 10 2024

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  1. Genious, thanks! Makes sense and I understand why it's been done that way.
  2. So duplicate names is a classic way to block things, but this one confuses me: when searching Oblivion for Windows, only GOTY shows up. Didn't figure out any way to go around it. Ideas? Also, any other known problems? https://gamesdb.launchbox-app.com/games/details/740-the-elder-scrolls-iv-oblivion https://gamesdb.launchbox-app.com/games/details/376102-the-elder-scrolls-iv-oblivion-game-of-the-year-edition
  3. I get what you're saying but on the other end of that rainbow is Mobygames, which has stricter policies than professional press releases I appreciate their approach but it wouldn't fly here as we need to be able to submit games with less information. For the most part, do your best, use common sense and trust that the moderation takes care of at least the worst screw ups or if they don't and someone is bothered down the line, they'll eventually override your entry. Since we don't know who contributed the game entries, if want to talk about them, we should just open up a new thread for the game right here in contributions. You might even reach the original poster as I assume most submitters and moderators are reading this forum. I've had a good experiences, last time this March (that you can see couple of posts below this one, further emphasizing that we're not exactly drowning on conversations and could use some more :)
  4. The message got through! Happy days. Thanks for not dying on this hill, Consistency Crusader <3
  5. They do, the nicknames were hints! Consistency Crusader is here for that sweet consistency; I guess there's more Code Monkeys in LB and he's on the noble (albeit slightly misguided) quest of having a single name for the company. The Company Name Stickler is having none of it because The Code Monkeys is the right answer and he's "Rules Rule" kind of guy. Both should therefore be happy with The Code Monkeys. Was hoping this post would reach the first guy
  6. "You are NOT allowed to PICK AND CHOOSE" is today's phrase! Oh well, he's doing quality work though so credit to him
  7. We've got ourselves caught in a battle of user submissions. Consistency Crusader is changing "The Code Monkeys" to "Code Monkeys" while The Company Name Stickler is switching "Code Monkeys" to "The Code Monkeys". The end result is that about every fifth moderation has to do with this clash of the titans. To put an end to this epic saga, how about we compromise by calling them "The Code Monkeys"? The consistency requirement would be reached within minutes, given that they've only developed <50 games and you've been going at it for days
  8. This made sense up until today I was moderating for a minute and this happened three times. Two of them were box shots, so this time I know the games. One was Arkham Trilogy for Switch and the other Metal Slug, possibly for Neo Geo as that was mentioned in the box, Don't think either of those have been deleted, so the problem is probably something else.
  9. viritys

    New Fields

    Optional region for Publisher field. Some capeless hero has been working on removing duplicate companies (if you read this: great job!). When fixing a Nintendo game, he replaced publisher "Nintendo" with "Nintendo of America" and "Nintendo of Europe". Nobody needs both of those listed on their LB, but it would be great if it was optional: I could then pick my preferred region like in other categories and populate the field accordingly.
  10. Oh my bad, can't remember having to work for the privilege as it's been quite a few years, Maybe that bar should be raised to 10x or some such? I mean I haven't seen these Polish reviews but sounds like some folks are doing a terrible job
  11. I think this is already covered under the "use common sense" -rule Given that we weren't rickrolled, I'm assuming the submitter is not trolling and is only clueless. OTOH moderation is systematically failing. Suggestion: I have a similar hobby on documenting comics and what Comic Vine has done is quite clever. It's an elaborate system, but one aspect they are doing that could be implemented without having to rewrite a whole lot of code: Person needs to get a certain amount of points before moderation is available. Points are given for each accepted submission and lost for each declined submission. This would raise the quality of moderation and would likely lessen the chances Polish video reviews to go through. We should also try to compile submission and moderation rules and pin the post.
  12. Somewhat tough to make a quality moderation decision without knowing the game
  13. I had this problem right now, I've (succesfully) integrated to Steam aeons ago, hadn't changed anything.. and it still was my fault! So, instead of just my steam id, I had the whole URL in the Custom URL box. I probably pasted it wrong years ago but whatever the case the integration worked up until recently. Posted this here in case the future user does like me ie googles the problem and ends up on this page. So: don't be blind like me and check that the Custom URL only has your handle and nothing else Side note: Launchbox's been telling me that I'm succesfully connected to Steam. Only after buying the game and realizing it didn't get imported I noticed there's something wrong.
  14. When "Show screenshots" is selected in game details, specifically. When I uncheck the box, everything is visible. Pictures explain it better than I could. THe ones missing in this example are box - front and fanart; so "show screenshot" might mean "only show pictures in screenshot category"?
  15. Minor problem really as it seems to be rare, changing the size of the sidebar will stop it and, at least for me, LB stays fully functional ie doesn't lock up during the dance as previously reported so this will totally stay as my default theme
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