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Everything posted by Offy

  1. Has there been any further development on this plugin?
  2. Likewise, I did not find any way to get FP to run with the tables as ZIP files. I supposed you could, if you wanted re-ZIP each table so that it would extract at run time, then clean up the paths that you use after you exit, but that seems like to much work. I did the same thing as @jaythompson, with regard to extracting the tables and picking the ones I wanted to use. The only difference is that I created my own batch file shown a few posts up to run the tables. It's not a quick process, setting up the FP tables. It seriously is a try and see approach for each table.
  3. I saw no reason for me to use a compiled script, when a simple batch file solved the problem. The EXE makes it simpler for someone who just wants to drag, drop and configure, but I'm more of a tinkerer. Like I said above, if we were given the rom path in a variable we could use in the custom command line setup, none of this would be needed. Maybe it's available, but I haven't seen it discussed so far. The no watermark EXE was in the archive I got for FP. It also included one that didn't do high scores? Whatever that means. I don't really know what the difference is yet. If I figure it out, I'll let you know.
  4. To make Future Pinball work for me, I created a batch file, named "FuturePinball.bat" and placed it in the same path as the "Future Pinball.exe" file. The contents of the batch file are: @echo off "Future Pinball_no_watermark.exe" /open %1% /play /exit The emulator is set up to run the batch file, and all checkboxes are unchecked. (Most important is to be passing WITH QUOTES and the FULL PATH AND FILENAME of the game. You should set the Future Pinball.exe to run in Windows 7 compatibility, and you may need to set it to run as administrator, or the table may lose focus sporadically when loaded. Just remember that if you have it run as administrator, the UAC notice will pop up every time you select a Future Pinball table from the launcher. The load isn't pretty, because you'll see the main application load, then the table loads. However, when you exit, you are back in LaunchBox/Big Box as expected. I'm VERY new to LaunchBox, but am liking the flexibility available when loading emulators. That being said, it would like to know if we have variables that can be used in the custom command line such as %ROMPATH%, %ROM%, etc. I have been unable to locate anything like that so far. If those were available, this would not require an external batch file to run the emulator.
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