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  1. Update: Electronic gaming monthly scores added!
  2. Hi, If you want to create a custom game list, based on reviews from old french magazines but also IGN and Metacritic, here a Power Bi I did: https://rebrand.ly/ei41wi9
  3. I had conflicts using the G27 and my encoder to control BigBox so I desactivated the G27 in it. The G27 compatibility with BigBox is very buggy.
  4. It's Teknoparrot but I don't have this problem when I launch the game from Launchbox or Teknoparrot itself. I will try to update the video driver.
  5. Is your Teknoparrot updated to the last version?
  6. Hey guys, There is a bog with Teknoparrot games. When I launch a game from bigbox, I see the first 5s of the game and after that appear a error window named "m_pd3dDevice->Reset", the text say "D3DERR_INVALIDCALL". This pb doesn't exist with Launchbox. Tested with Grid and GTI club.
  7. up
  8. Hey guys! I use a G27 wheel with a Sega racecab. I have 3 problems to use it in BigBox: 1) The wheel was difficult to map because you have to map each button at a time, it's obviously a bug. Each time, I had to come back to the controlleur tab to unmark and mark "activate the controlleurs", and come back to map another button (I use a french traduction of BigBox, so it's approximately those names). It's boring but it works. 2) I use my G27 and an encodeur device (arduino leonardo, seen like a Xinput xbox 360 joypad) to control bigBox. It's a problem when BigBox see 2 buttons from 2 different devices with the same name (ex: button 6). It should be identified like that maybe: button6(device1) 3) The list wheel is too speedy. I tried to reduce the minimum spining speed (700ms) and saw no change!? Another pb not related to the G27: Is it possible to start directly in a list by default? Thanks and have a good day!
  9. Thanks to an old post of @Belgarath I could do it: 1) Create a VHD file with Windows disk management using a MBR partition (With a GPT, it refuse to mount properly in a D letter drive). 2) In Launchbox, in the game properties, in the Launching tab, put the vhd file path in Application path. 3) In the Additional Apps, click Add Application and insert the game executable file path when the virtual drive is mounted. Check Automatically Run After Main Application. Problem: Using the virtual drive, the game starts in 22 seconds from Launchbox. If the virtual drive is mounted already, the game starts in 4s. I'm not sure it's a good solution when you have to mount and unmount every game. I wanted to have a cleaner management of all the files Nesica and TTX create in the D root.
  10. Hey guys, Could you help to mount a vhd file containing a nesica game please? I Installed Daemon tools lite and I think I have to set something in Additional Apps when editing the game. After that, where Do I have to mention the vhd file path and the exe to run inside the VHD? Thank you!
  11. Thanks @Kiinkyfoxx, I'll try that later. I precise that the AHK works with Teknoparrot. I couldn't test with All game RH because it's not configured like an emulator, so I can't use an AHK inside Launch box.
  12. Thanks @Kiinkyfoxx, it works but only if I run Launchbox in admin mode but it won't work in BB because games won't start in admin mode . Anyone know why is that so?
  13. Fablog

    eXoDOS v4

    @eXo, will you use DosBox pure in a next release or there is no point to do that?
  14. Hi, Is it possible to pack all files from a Nesica or TypeX game in a VHD file like an ISO? It would be incredible to manage VHD files directly in Launchbox. Those games are such a mess in my HDD.
  15. @Zombeaver, I think Exodos is setup like that already, isn't it? Do you see a difference? Thanks for your tutorial!
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