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  1. Nice and Useful Plugin ! It would be great To have a way to view the dats from the pause menu !
  2. Hi, And thank for the quick Update. Everithing seems to works fine now with the latest beta of LB. I still have the problem for the gifs not showing. here is my log file if it can help u to solve it. I only have one game with the animated gif in marquee , just to test it. It's Spiderman (arcade mame version) please note that is not a request. Just in case you want to look at it. Your Plugin Is Simply Amazing! Thanks for your work and your time. ThirdScreenLog.txt
  3. Hi. With the latest beta of launchbox the plugin doesn't work. And when i try to open the thirdscreen configurator it crashes.
  4. Great. Thanks a lot. I Wasn't aware about %romfile% . Thanx again!
  5. Hi, Is it possible to have 2 dedicated check boxes in the edit emulator window for remove file extension and folder path? So one checkbox to remove the folder path. and one to remove the extension. I ask this because Teknoparrot need a filename.xml to work. Without full path but with extension. I think in this way we could use teknoparrot like others emulators without the need to meesin with commandline for every game. Maybe others emulators, i don't know. Thanks
  6. I wonder I is it possible to split this option in the emulator settings in two dedicated parts. one checkbox for removing EXTENSION and one checkbox for removing folder path. I Think with this teknoparro will act as other emulators without messin with custom commandline for every game.
  7. It Happens to me too.
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