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Everything posted by THRobinson

  1. Sounds like I need Premium to get that stuff to work... though odd that the emulator doesn't seem to have it. MAME0.186 for example... lots of options but none to exit.
  2. I often wonder about that stuff, because like said, in the past a new OS usually meant bigger/better things, but the min. specs for the new OS also jump up so... may cancel one another out.
  3. So, gotta ask... why Win10? I haven't tried Win10 yet... been my experience that when you upgrade, the advantages are often cancelled out by the resources it takes forcing a hardware update. Usually I upgrade to every other version of Windows, because the odd ones seem to always suck, so I'm due to get Win10 soon now that a service pack was released.
  4. Finally ordered the rest of my parts... debated between 2x4GB and 2x8GB, finally ended up getting 16GB total. More than what I was hoping to spend, but, figured with all the work done so far, and even more when I actually build the thing, I didn't want it to suck. Ideally, I'd have a better GPU, regret selling my GTX960 when I upgraded to the GTX1060... but, hopefully the old GTX 650 will do. Build will be some old and some new parts... ASRock H110M-HDS mATX Intel i3-7100 3.9Ghz G.Skill DDR4 2133 2x8GB Dual-Channel 1TB Seagate Barracuda SataIII 7200rpm (old) Asus GTX650Ti OC Boost 2GB Video (old) BFG 550w PSU (old) Win7x64
  5. Finally.... getting some good luck getting stuff to work, finally played Marvel vs Capcom 2 with DEMUL, full screen no issues... except, when I was done I had no idea how to exit. Mame, I can exit when I hit ESC... NES I think its select/start same time. How do I assign a button to exit with? Right now I'm using a PS3 controller plugged in, I'd like to setup so that if I press both left/right axis buttons it exits the game and returns me to the LaunchBox window, but when I go into (for example) the MAME setup screen... I can't find anything for exiting. I looked through the list for anything saying ESC or Keyboard ESC, but didn't find anything. If I want the left/right axis buttons pressed at the same time to exit a game... how do I do that?
  6. So... question 1, 3 and 4... any advice? Only work half-day on Fridays, so, finally home and I wiped everything out, gonna start all over again installing LaunchBox and MAME and Demul... didn't download the CHD set, just the 0.186 rom set. I know 1 file for sure is Naomi, so, will add it and a couple I know are MAME into a folder and test the import out, see if brings in Naomi or not.
  7. Why silly? If pacman is working, why would I bother updating? If a new MAME gets released, I don't want to have to re-download 125GB worth of files, delete what I have, re-import and re-scrape everything and likely notice no change.... not like Pac-Man is gonna get any better.
  8. One thing I never thought to ask... which OS runs better... Win7 or Win10 with LaunchBox? Everything I have still runs Win7x64. Works fine, never saw a need to upgrade. Is there an advantage for using Win10 or will Win7x64 run just as well?
  9. Well... drive space. If I can use my 250GB drive and save some money, I'd rather that. Definitely saves space if not downloading 445GB worth of CHD's though. But if I can shave off another 25GB or something of games that won't play anyways, I will. My plan is, once I get the arcade build done, and running, and no dead games.... I'm locking it down. No updates or anything. If it works I don't plan to ever mess with it.
  10. Found a good (hopefully correct) article of what it is.... http://www.mameworld.info/easyemu/mameguide/mameguide-roms.html So... they are linked, you need the zip ROM and the matching CHD to make some games work. So... I could look at the file list in the CHD download, and basically find the matching filename in the ROM set I already downloaded, and delete what matches, because it won't work without the CHD file anyway, correct? Like... in that link above for example, if in the CHD set it shows CARNEVIL, I can go to the rom set and delete the CARNEVIL.ZIP file. Save some space. Or, if I use the import wizard and when I import, I tell it to copy files to a location (ie. ...roms\mame\) with "skip games unplayable in mame' checked, will it leave all those CHD dependant zip files behind? Which also goes back to the whole importing of games, will it know mame from naomi? I'm not sure if it's the best way to do things, but I'd rather not have a mame folder with all my arcade games in it, I'd rather have a mame folder for the games running on mame, and separate the roms that need other emulators like naomi/demul, into other folders. Can't recall the other platforms offhand, but I remember when searching for Naomi, there were 3 or 4 others mentioned.
  11. So... the CHD set... is it a separate set of games? When the video said to get them as well, I thought maybe it was a case of, if you want video game X to play, you need the rom for X and the matching chd for X... but it sounds like the chd set is something different than the rom set completely? to get the roms working you don't need the chds?
  12. So... got the non-merged set, around 125GB in size, then watched the video again and realized shoot, I need something called a CHD set... kinda confused why I need 2 sets, but clicked to get that set as well, and wowsa! around 455GB!!! Plan was to use my old 250GB drive, but that went out the window. My PC has a 1TB secondary drive, and I have a 2TB external drive, backups are a pain trying to figure out what to copy, merge, overwrite, etc... so plan is to get a 2TB secondary drive and then backups will mirror external to match internal. Then use the 1TB for the arcade. Hoping that's enough. My MAME Rom set before was much smaller and all zip files, but was copied from an img for the RaspPi so I suspect older games and fewer games... In any case, I'll need to swap drives before I can download the CHD set because not enough free space on my secondary drive at the moment. Meanwhile... had a few questions. 1) The import wizard doesn't seem to have a sports filter. I'd like to wipe out all sports games like golf, bowling, baseball, hockey, etc... everything except wrestling. There's no easy way to do that, is there... I'll probably have to import everything and manually delete one-by-one, correct? 2) If I have a 125GB MAME rom set, what's the CHD set for? Seems odd if you need both that they aren't both in the same download. 3) If I have the 0.186 non-merged rom set, and the 0.186 chd merged set, do I need anything else? I saw a 0.186 software list, which I though was a txt file or something listing all the games, until I saw it was 17GB so, not a txt file. There's also a 0.186 bios devices file, and a 0.186 extras... 4) When time to import, if I'm importing MAME and point to the folder, will it know which files are Naomi and leave those behind? And vice versa, when I click to import Naomi, will it run through the folder and only bring in Naomi? or will I have to somehow figure out which are which and separate them manually? Figured, while waiting for a new drive (sigh) I may as well get this stuff sorted out.
  13. OK... found a very helpful LaunchBox tutorial from a few months ago for this that may have actually helped fix a few issues at once. It was mentioned about using non-merged, vs split and merged... which I knew nothing about anyways, but was also mentioned about a dome of pleasure where they are found, so, thinking maybe half my issue is the source. Not knowing if split, merged, non-merged, which version, etc... so getting a whole new set, new source and will follow those videos and see if it works.
  14. Normally I don't... but when it comes to scraping artwork I'm totally anal... which could probably be worded better, but you get the idea...
  15. Well magazine ad, flyer... same dif. In either case, if it's considered reconstructed to modify NES artwork and I can only upload reconstructed artwork to the reconstructed category, of which there are none for flyer art... it makes things that much more difficult. Personally, I'd prefer to have box/poster like art (like KODI uses) than an advertisement where most of the image is occupied with, well, advertising the game. I like to give back to communities like this, I have about 1700 edits in the TMDB, half of which is custom artwork. I don't have the tech skills to help anyone on here, but I do have a diploma in graphic design so, hoped to help that way.
  16. If it's there I missed it... which I'm not ruling out, but, I scrolled to the bottom of the long list of consoles and figured maybe at the very bottom, but not there either.
  17. Yup... unlikely woulda found that one on my own. So... says (what? no copy/paste!)... "reconstructed box art can not be used in any other category then the reconstructed category" or something like that. If I click upload, dropdown has a reconstructed box front and back... but as mentioned, Arcade games had no boxes. I guess use the box front. Though seems kinda splitting hairs when they also have a "fan art" section since likely most fan art is using pre-existing artwork, not original art.
  18. Yup... definitely needs a rules page. Created an account, thought would use the same login as this, apparently not. Clicked 'add' to see what comes up, and a few rules, like PNG or JPG, but not much else.
  19. Ah.... Games DB from the main page, pretty handy. Not finding the rules though... like TMDB. Looking at (for example) Bad Dudes for the arcade. NES has a good cover, arcade version I think is a magazine ad. In cases like that, am I permitted to grab the NES cover, and photoshop it to remove the NES logos and such and upload as a cover option for Arcade? Are there preferred size/resolutions?
  20. Where does LaunchBox scrape from? I know with KODI, I scrape from TMDB, and I made an account and did a lot of custom cover artwork for stuff that was missing, low quality or just the wrong dimensions (2:3). Is there a site like that where LaunchBox scrapes from? where I can create an account and help make artwork for games that have none?
  21. Yup... 3Ghz on it's own, is kind of a useless spec. Going back to the car analogy brought up earlier... it's like saying a 6 cylinder engine is fine for streetracing.... my old '47 Dodge had a 6 cylinder, inline 6... and no way you'd beat a golf cart with it.
  22. Plus already mentioned that I just bought a board so... AMD isn't an option.
  23. Mine's a Xeon e3-1231v3 3.4Ghz, without integrated graphics... spec wise it was about the same as an i7 plus lower power consumption, error/redundancy checking, designed to run 24/7 and a good chunk cheaper. Figured why pay for the integrated graphics if I have a GTX1060. But I think now, they separated them... so a server cpu needs a server board, can't put it on a consumer board, which sucks. Futureproofing is something that I always try to do. That's why I suggested the G4400... because new, it would be cheaper than a used 3rd Gen i5 (after shipping and stuff the i5 3570 is almost double the price) but the board the G4400 uses will handle up to a 7th Gen i7... so it would be settling for a cheaper option knowing in 1-2yrs I can buy a used CPU and upgrade easily enough if I find that the G4400 isn't handling things well enough. The whole 3Ghz thing though, I wish people would stop saying because again... someone may read 3Ghz, look at their current rig which is an E5700 and be greatly disappointed when they try running a PS2 game. When someone says a 3rd Gen i5... that narrows it down a lot.
  24. Well... I have Demul installed. I saw a post about needing a BIOS, but not sure where to stick it... I think it comes pre-loaded, because when I go to Naomi Bios in the config menu, there are 17 of them listed. Plugins and Roms path... well, Roms path I have entered though every time I go back in, it's blank and I have to click on it again in the drop down. I have a path (default) to plugins though I've not added anything. Not sure what would need added. Trying now... cannot find epr-21576g.bin in romset naomi.
  25. I see in the comments a few people are asking the same thing I am... what does 3Ghz mean? Because a 15yr old P4 3Ghz processor is definitely different than a 7th Gen i7 3Ghz. If all I need is "3Ghz"... why is everyone recommending a 3rd Gen i5? I can just grab a used DELL Optiplex 780 with an E5700 in it for $55CAD. That's what I'm getting at... I've seen people say before to get a 3Ghz system, but 3Ghz is way too vague given how many generations there are.
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