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Everything posted by demeth

  1. If I press my switch view key, it will show the video, but get rid of the favorite games part
  2. Here is what it does. Sorry for quality. video-1495026895.mp4
  3. I tried to switch views and its the same views for all my platforms, the 3rd in this case, and for Playstation for exemple, not working, but for windows or genesis, its fine.
  4. I don't know why but i don't have the videos running for some platforms like Sony's playstation, only the audio. If i want them to run, i have to chose the 4th option which get rids of the favorites games Any idea why? Edit: Switching from VLC player to windows one in BigBox settings did the trick
  5. I just noticed that for some platforms, it works exactly as i wanted, for the sega genesis i have video, music for that video, favorites, and recent games, and even a photo of the console, but for playstation i only have the music of the video, and the favs and recents games Why?
  6. I had the same problem and that was indeed because i changed the platform's name, and the folder's name didn't change so yeah, confusion here, but problem solved, thanks Brad
  7. It's nearly perfect, but either I have the video's music and my favorites and recents game, or the video and the music, but only the recent games, not the favorites. Instead of the background theme's video with the favorites and the recent games, I'd love to have the platform's theme video
  8. A timetracker option would be agreat addition but i guess some things need attention before that.
  9. Yes ! I'm sure its pretty easy but i cant find a way to achieve it
  10. Everything is in the title. I tried several custom themes and chose my fav view for each platform, but I realy would like to have a view where i have the platform video, and the recent/favorites games for the platform, instead of the details of the platform. Is it possible?
  11. I meant XMB sorry :c Thank you very much! Problem solved
  12. Yes, when you go to the rgui, with options, savestates etc, there is no "remap entries" choice so i cant change A and B buttons. All of the emulators do have them, but not MANE nor fb alpha.
  13. Before i leave, do you know why I can't remap entries in retroarch with MAME or fb alpha? The option is simply not there, and all of the cores mess up my B and A buttons (XBOX ONE controller)
  14. Because no matter what i change, It won't launch my Mega drive games among other platforms. I had to create another version of retroarch to make it work.
  15. What I did is setup 2 additionnals emulators, with retroarch too, default command line with the core I want, and just one associated platform. So i have Retroarch named retroarch, for all of my platforms that works that way, retroarch named Atari 7800 for only the atari, and retroarch Mega drive for only the mega drive, and it works like a charm, and It's completely transparent. Short story : If you have several associated platforms with several cores and one is not working, just dissociate it by creating an other emulator only for that platform. Thanks for the quick help guys !
  16. To make sure of the typo, i went to the cores folder of retroarch so yeah, they are there. Worst part is that genesisGX works like a charm with my master system library I even added a custom command line for a game, to force it to use a core, nah, not working
  17. Here are some screenshots. I hope you can help me.
  18. Hi, I'm having some issues with LB and retroarch. When i try to launch a Sega genesis game, nothing happens. I had this issue for several other systems like SNES but fixing the cores line command in the emulator settings did the trick. Nevertheless, I have this issue for Sega genesis and Atari 7800 and no matter which core I pick, nothing happens. The games are fine, retroarch is fine, the core is fine, everything works outside of launchbox. For the genesis i did two lines for Genesis and mega drive just in case, with Picodrive AND with genesis plus gx, but nothing works. I don't know what to do to fix this. Same issue here:
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