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Everything posted by Strathos70

  1. Hello, any news about sorting by release date with newer games on top?
  2. My screenshot show one error, but i actually get that error that all games until i close launchbox. Here it is: { "title": "Fallout 2 Classic", "backgroundImage": "//images-1.gog.com/2405d078c16fc6b25414d2f08725596b955f5ca899ae30f317de7269dfefa22b", "cdKey": "", "textInformation": "", "downloads": [ [ "English", { "windows": [ { "manualUrl": "/downloads/fallout_2_classic/en1installer0", "downloaderUrl": "gogdownloader://fallout_2_classic/installer_win_en", "name": "Fallout 2 Classic", "version": null, "date": "", "size": "721 MB" } ], "mac": [ { "manualUrl": "/downloads/fallout_2_classic/en2installer1", "downloaderUrl": "gogdownloader://fallout_2_classic/installer__en", "name": "Fallout 2 Classic", "version": null, "date": "", "size": "591 MB" } ] } ], [ "français", { "windows": [ { "manualUrl": "/downloads/fallout_2_classic/fr1installer1", "downloaderUrl": "gogdownloader://fallout_2_classic/installer_win_fr", "name": "Fallout 2 Classic", "version": null, "date": "", "size": "721 MB" } ] } ], [ "Deutsch", { "windows": [ { "manualUrl": "/downloads/fallout_2_classic/de1installer1", "downloaderUrl": "gogdownloader://fallout_2_classic/installer_win_de", "name": "Fallout 2 Classic", "version": null, "date": "", "size": "689 MB" } ] } ] ], "galaxyDownloads": [], "extras": [ { "manualUrl": "/downloads/fallout_2_classic/2233", "downloaderUrl": "gogdownloader://fallout_2_classic/2233", "name": "manual (166 pages)", "type": "manuals", "info": 1, "size": "1 MB" }, { "manualUrl": "/downloads/fallout_2_classic/2253", "downloaderUrl": "gogdownloader://fallout_2_classic/2253", "name": "HD wallpaper", "type": "wallpapers", "info": 1, "size": "6 MB" }, { "manualUrl": "/downloads/fallout_2_classic/2283", "downloaderUrl": "gogdownloader://fallout_2_classic/2283", "name": "Fallout series wallpaper", "type": "wallpapers", "info": 1, "size": "7 MB" }, { "manualUrl": "/downloads/fallout_2_classic/2243", "downloaderUrl": "gogdownloader://fallout_2_classic/2243", "name": "reference card", "type": "guides & reference ", "info": 1, "size": "1 MB" }, { "manualUrl": "/downloads/fallout_2_classic/2303", "downloaderUrl": "gogdownloader://fallout_2_classic/2303", "name": "Fallout Bible (205 pages)", "type": "guides & reference ", "info": 1, "size": "54 MB" }, { "manualUrl": "/downloads/fallout_2_classic/2263", "downloaderUrl": "gogdownloader://fallout_2_classic/2263", "name": "original soundtrack", "type": "audio", "info": 1, "size": "83 MB" }, { "manualUrl": "/downloads/fallout_2_classic/2273", "downloaderUrl": "gogdownloader://fallout_2_classic/2273", "name": "avatars", "type": "avatars", "info": 13, "size": "1 MB" }, { "manualUrl": "/downloads/fallout_2_classic/2313", "downloaderUrl": "gogdownloader://fallout_2_classic/2313", "name": "Vault Boy avatars", "type": "avatars", "info": 5, "size": "1 MB" }, { "manualUrl": "/downloads/fallout_2_classic/2293", "downloaderUrl": "gogdownloader://fallout_2_classic/2293", "name": "artworks", "type": "artworks", "info": 2, "size": "2 MB" } ], "dlcs": [], "tags": [ { "id": "427940348", "name": "3RPG ----- BAZ", "productCount": "65" } ], "isPreOrder": false, "releaseTimestamp": 0, "messages": [], "changelog": "", "forumLink": "https://embed.gog.com/forum/fallout_series", "isBaseProductMissing": false, "missingBaseProduct": null, "features": [], "simpleGalaxyInstallers": [ { "path": "/downloads/fallout_2_classic/b1b67858e6701ddb76a1b6c1a04e7bd3", "os": "windows" }, { "path": "/downloads/fallout_2_classic/e671c7410bdf555092ff79fc43b2deb7", "os": "mac" } ] }
  3. I use launchbox version 9 beta 7 and here is what i get :
  4. Thank you for this plugin. Now that the launchbox next became the default launchbox, are you planning to make this compatible?
  5. Hello Here is a list of things (probably not "small", i'm not a programmer) in list view. -Being able to see a small image or a steam banner in list view (maybe one game could use 2 rows to make banner a bit bigger and having more infos without having to scroll to the right). -Being able to add custom tags (like setting: scifi, modern...), not only on the right tab with the description, but as a column, and be able to search for this tag. and to search using multiple tags as well (maybe using the right description tab as something to have some checkboxes). -For steam imported games, add a possibility for the user to add a column to see number of users playing this game using (i think) GET https://api.steampowered.com/ISteamUserStats/GetNumberOfCurrentPlayers/v1/?appid= I think it could be useful when you have a lots of old multiplayerzs games and want to see which are still active. -Being able to change star color, to say that a game only deserve 2 or 3 star, but for some reason it is a game i like even if it is not that good.
  6. Nice work, thanks.
  7. Hello, I started to use launchbox a few days ago and like it a lot so far but i'm wondering a few things. - Star rating Would it be possible without programming knowledge to not use stars to rate game, but simply a number (1-10) , If i do some crappy stuff myself, would it hard for me to use it in launchbox? - It is great that lauchnbox use its one games database, but there is one thing that bother me, maybe there is a way to do it i'm not aware about. I imported the no intro sega megadrive set, and noticed that it changed the title name to match the database (ex : The addams family > Addams family (the). This is not a big prolem obviously, so i don't mind that much. For another game, "Battle mania" and "Battle mania daiginjo", it found the 2nd game but did not found the first one, and decided to rename both to "Battle mania daiginjo", so you could think its the same game where it is not. It did not consolidate them though (which is a very nice feature). Is there an option I missed that can keep the exact rom file name? Thank you.
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