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Everything posted by Saskwatch

  1. I apologize, but this is not a support question or issue. I just wanted to say thank you to all the independent developers who make useful tools like this for their respective communities. We get to benefit from this kind of stuff, but I don't know if we say thank you enough. Have a wonderful day.
  2. Unfortunately, I am having this exact same problem. I am on 13.1-beta-2. The irony of this is I was watching the developer fix this in a live stream from 2016 today. He was going on about Windows Forms vs WPF and caching. I was like... my LaunchBox build never ran that smoothly, and I have been using this software since 2017. It drives me crazy, but I have learned to live with it. I have also tried the recommended remedies mentioned earlier in the thread, and nothing improved the performance.
  3. Question about the backup folder: So I followed the guide for the purpose of converting a 185 romset to 188. When I did the first scan, it backed up 25,120 items. Since, include the backup folder in the add-path, it looks like it put those items back into my source folder when I used the rebuilder. Is this how it is supposed to work? Did the 185 stuff overwrite whatever 188 was supposed to look like? I hope I articulated the question well.
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