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Everything posted by pattonthompson

  1. Thanks for the feedback. From my brief searching it looks like Kodi will be the best option. If i have luck setting this up ill post back.
  2. Would love to have windows 10 boot directly into a program that lets me select different front ends with a nice gui interface. For example, have a couple different launchbox builds for arcade, kids, and myself depending on who's playing. Would also like to throw in some of the recent coinops builds, some of colpipes stuff, and maybe even hyperspin. Also an icon to boot to open regular windows 10 desktop. Can anyone point me in the right direction? Was thinking maybe KODI or maybe even launchbox itself.
  3. Thats awesome! Look forward to seeing final theme!
  4. I love the artwork in coinops next and arcadia but i like launchbox better as a frontend. Just curious if anyone has ported this as a “theme” to launchbox or knows a way to do it.
  5. Hoping you guys can help me. I am going to make a separate launchbox for my kids and what i want is a script that starts when launchbox opens and closes when launchbox closes. i want the script to disable my admin keys on the arcade cab and the mouse. The problem is when they are button mashing of course they are jamming all the admin keys and it screws everything up. any help would be greatly appreciated.
  6. That worked perfectly. I set up MAME separately from retroarch then pointed LED Blinky to those files as you said and it works perfectly. I do notice a bit of slowdown on startup otherwise it runs great.
  7. I’ve set up Launchbox + LED Blinky + MAME without a hitch before. However, I switched to retroarch mame core because there’s a particular RA shader I love. Curious if setting up LED blinky for controls for each game is possible with retroarch mame core? Problem is I can’t figure out how to generate a mame.xml or mame.cfg using a mame retroarch core? Anybody know how?
  8. Can you share the actual play list?
  9. This is the exact controller: https://www.recroommasters.com/Xtension-Two-Player-Control-Board-Emulator-Edition-p/rm-xt-sd-board-ee.htm I have the “Nes” edition. It’s an IPAC. I believe this is the board: http://www.ultimarc.com/minipac.html if you want to know for sure i can open it up and look for you.
  10. Hey guys I’m going to build my own 4 player joystick so I’m selling my 2 player recroommasters xtension emulator edition “nes” version to raise some extra dough. Its in great shape, have only had it about 6 months. With 3 young kids and a full time job it hasn’t seen much use. here’s the link on Ebay: https://m.ebay.com/itm/Xtension-Two-Player-Control-Board-Emulator-Edition/272920879451?hash=item3f8b5a215b:g:Ew4AAOSwsYpaAxEv if you’d rather make an offer directly you can email me pattonthompson@gmail.com
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