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Everything posted by Exequiel3k

  1. Hey, I’d say for convenience sake in BigBox to have any controller plugged into the Pc be able to control the navigation instead of having to assign and be constrained using the same one even when changing of controllers for different plateform games.. thx for all your hard work
  2. True, I’ll give it a try. Nothing to loose. I will report back my findings, if anybody else is curious
  3. I don’t have a microSD card of that speed to test it out My results would be flawed from the get-go.. (The emulators I use are PCSXR-GPXP, dolphin, demul, etc..)
  4. Yeah,I’m aware of the factual numbers in regards to USB/SD speeds.. I was thinking more about if the difference was actually felt in-game (for more data heavy games). Ideally, I’d prefer the SD-route since it’s hidden and I’d have one less thing to carry around but I don’t want noticeable in-game issues.. The only thing stored on the SD would be the games, everything else would stay in the computer ssd..
  5. Hey all, I tried using a USB-drive but noticed the games would freeze (2-3 secs from time-to-time) because the external drive had to start spinning again to fetch the requested data (my guess) and it got pretty annoying.. Consequently, I was considering buying a Sandisk 128gb ultra microSDXC U1 (price/performance balance) but I was wondering if it could potentially cause lag due to lower read speeds than USB? Have any of you emulated using microSD cards (U1 or lower speeds) on ps1, GameCube, Dreamcast, etc.? Thx for the feedback!
  6. Alright, thanks for the clarification maybe someday w’ill see it in the download section?
  7. Hey all, I hope I won’t cause any issues asking this off topic question, but what is the theme used in the background (can’t find it in the downloads section)? Looks pretty nice..!
  8. I fixed all of the little esthetical things and i’m left pondering if there’s a way to delay the theme appearing until all the clear logos appear.. Essentially, what’s happening is the theme loads the basic stuff, a couple of plateform clear logos and hangs for around 4-5 seconds and populates the rest. Like it freezes for ??? reasons and resumes.. Is there a way to delay displaying the theme until all is properly loaded. If not, is there a way to set a timer so the screen stays black for x-amount of time? Thx for the feedback..!
  9. True, might do that in the long run.. For now, gonna iron out other things (non-theme related) thanks y’all for the help
  10. The default resolution is 3000x2000 (aspect ratio 3:2), I guess Microsoft though I’d be great to complicate things for anything related to image/video/gaming rendering.. I plugged it to my 1080p tv and all is normal. I guess it’s only messed up on the surface display (cuz of the default display settings). I think I’m gonna leave it as-is since most gaming will be done on my tv. *i took out the scanline image and there was still a strong opacity covering the same area with the same issue. That said, on a tv it was all normal
  11. heh, gotta start by installing it >.< I'll search for a work around or just disabling it..
  12. yeah, I'm using a surface book... I'll plug it to a tv to see if it still diverges.. I was thinking maybe I could just force in the text-string to adapt to the screen
  13. Another little question, if you look at the attached image, you'll notice the top and bottom parts of scanline/opacity aren't fully stretched.. I tried fiddling around though I can't seem to locate where I could alter the settings on that.. Could someone point me in the right direction since once that's done; it'll look flawless ^.^
  14. Thx for the quick reply
  15. Thanks a lot for posting it, I really appreciate it Everything is displaying great, the only issue I encountered was the custom image not scaling properly. I fixed it for the gameplateform1 view but I can't find anywhere the file that handles verticlewheel1 to fix it.. I've attached an image so you can see it. Thanks a lot for posting it
  16. Hey all, I just purchased BigBox with the hopes of using Grila's minimalHD theme. The problem is, I can't find it anywhere and there is even mention of the author deleting it from the download section (is it true?).. With all that in mind, could someone please upload their fully-working version of it? Thanks a lot for your time..!
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