New issue when importing ROMs: added a few manually across a couple different platforms with no issue, then a prompt came up during an import asking to install Retroarch. The other option (configure your own) at first looks to bypass this but when the game is about to be added, a "downloading/installing Retroarch" progress bar appears anyway. Cancelling this completely freezes the program, requiring it to be terminated. Restart, retry and the same thing happens.
The frustrating thing is I already do have Retroarch (updated at least once a week), all cores up-to-date and configured for each platform. It's pretty much been the same set-up for years. I don' know why this particular platform (a custom-made MSU-1 scraping Super Nintendo) is pulling a "need RA" flag when there's never been a problem. Is there a new setting option that I'm missing that disables the RA/Dolphin download feature (like the recently added ROM auto add) ?
If it comes down to having to let LB do its own RA install, will I lose all my existing platform configurations?