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  1. Same issue here, started when I updated Retroarch to the latest version, all paths seems correct and games run fine when using Retroarch directly
  2. Well, I'm having the same issue. I'm using RA (latest stable version), games work perfectly vía Retroarch, but just won't launch when using LB, I have the correct configuration in emulators and the games were added correctly in LB, Tried using Redream, but nothing, games work in Redream, but nothing when launched via LB
  3. Version 1.0.1


    A beautiful theme with Arcade style menus for all your platforms! Features of this theme: Made mainly for Arcade platform (but works for all platforms!) Different views, select what's best for you! No flashy animations that may affect perfomance. Work in progress, more views will be available, please check patreon for updates. You can check some Videos of my themes in action on my Youtube Channel If you'd like to help me dedicate more time to my themes, you can support me on: https://www.patreon.com/Exodus_cl . . . P.S.: English is not my first language so I apologize for any mistake. Thanks to: @y2guru for your amazing theme editor
  4. Japan Arcade Room View File A beautiful theme with Arcade style menus for all your platforms! Features of this theme: Made mainly for Arcade platform (but works for all platforms!) Different views, select what's best for you! No flashy animations that may affect perfomance. Work in progress, more views will be available, please check patreon for updates. You can check some Videos of my themes in action on my Youtube Channel If you'd like to help me dedicate more time to my themes, you can support me on: https://www.patreon.com/Exodus_cl . . P.S.: English is not my first language so I apologise for any mistake. Thanks to: @y2guru for your amazing theme editor Submitter exodus_cl Submitted 08/16/2024 Category Custom Themes  
  5. You are the man!!! thank you!!!! Te sleep between the press and the release did it! I tried to send press and release before, but it did not occur to me to put a sleep between them. Thanks again!!
  6. Lightgun games, I'm trying to avoid the use of a keyboard, the idea is to load a game, wait for 5 seconds and send F4 to load a state in order to skip all the steps to get to the "Mission Start" screen
  7. Hey guys! I'm trying to load a state in Retroarch using a hotkey, so I'm using an AHK script, but Retroarch does not load the state even if the script DOES send the hotkey (tested in notepad) The non working part of code I have looks like this: sleep, 5000 Send, {f4} If I send, for example, ALT+F4 Retroarch does close, so I don't know what could be wrong. For my purpose, this must be done outside Launchbox using an AHK file.
  8. That's an issue with CTC as far as I know. But I haven't been able to reproduce it at all! What platforms are you using, what specific background music gives you trouble?
  9. Good idea! Done 😉
  10. PS3 demo, flat and new coverflow mode:
  11. Added atari 2600 and 7800 to the console mini collection in flat and 3d cover flow modes
  12. Hey! Actually the console image is supposed to be there, I'll check to see what's going on! Thanks for the heads up! EDIT: Ok, fixed it, I'll update the file soon as I'm improving some other views, thanks again!
  13. This is a WIP, but feel free to ask any questions, I'm back from a long break, but I hope i can start improving and creating more themes for BigBox! Some Screenshots:
  14. NOV. 2023 UPDATE This was supposed to be a simple flat theme, but evolved into a 2 in 1, so you have the regular view which is flat and sleek and also you have available an optional view (per device) that resemble some classic mini consoles (including consoles that do not have mini versions as of yet). Features of this theme: Simple flat version that runs fast and looks great. No flashy animations that may affect perfomance. Optional "Classic Mini" view for many systems (WIP). Every Classic Mini view has it's own background music. Improved original design of some "Classic Mini" (Such as PSX and Genesis). Improved UI for some consoles like PS3, 3DS, etc. "Classic Mini" style views for consoles that do not have an oficial Mini version (such as PS2, WII, etc.). Platform/console selection with video (you need to download the video first from regular launchbox menu). Thanks to: @y2guru for your amazing theme editor @thiagofirmino for providing SNK Neo Geo and Sega Saturn Mini formats. - If you'd like to support my work, you can invite me a coffee anytime!
  15. Hey! I have a problem with rows, whenever I select... let's say 1 row, CTC shows 3, if I select 2 CTC shows 6. I'm sure I'm doing something wrong, so any advice is appreciated.
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