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File Comments posted by PiperCalls

  1. I'm trying to create a horizontal wheel that bends "back into the screen." So like if you were looking at an Earth globe, the wheel would wrap around the equator. I've tried everything I can think of, changing camera position, etc. Seems rotating the wheel items that are left & right of selected & changing camera position of these would do it but in CTC it seems camera position is for the entire wheel. Is what I'm trying to accomplish not available?

  2. Working on a BB theme & got all the difficult stuff working but for some reason I can't get a simple text box to display the game name. I just have it set for metadata - title. It's on top of everything else so i'm sure it's something simple but any suggestions are appreciated.

  3. 7 hours ago, LCMan27 said:

     I just keep coming back to this theme, I just love the look and feel of this one. I decided to edit PaDeMoNium's great startup video to keep it close to 1 minute.

    Working on a marquee video to use during startup as well. Enjoy!


    That's a nice startup vid! This is my fav theme too, I use it on 2 of my 3 cabs. I found a nice TRON lightcycle startup vid on the forums that pairs nicely with this theme.

    • Thanks 1
  4. 2 minutes ago, Mr. RetroLust said:

    One view shows 3d box art plus cart, plus box back. One wwith 3d box and cart but without box back. One without scanlines.

    To achieve what you want you could adjust the xamls and remove the cart codes.

    ok thx. yes i just did that and found the control for "cart" and removed it and it works. thx much

    • Game On 1
  5. Hi, thanks for this. I don't think I'm using right though. So I was just testing on Batman Begins. I put the GINE69.ini in the GameSettings folder. I now get a 60fps option enabled in the AR Code tab but the games still runs at 30fps. Am I missing something? The notes mention a Gecko code not AR. Not sure what I'm doing wrong.


  6. 25 minutes ago, Belgarath said:

    I found this from another post in the forum somewhere, so full credit to that guy. So the one I use is:

    <coverFlow:FlowModel DataContext="{Binding ActiveGame}" RotationAxis="0.2,1,0" RotationAngle="0" CanManuallyRotate="True" FieldOfView="30" />

    Make sure "designer friendly" is unticked.


    edit: it may have been C-Beats, I honestly can't remember.

    Did you put that in the user source and it generates the 3d model? i'm trying to look through the new themes like c-beats mentioned to see how to get it to generate, but all the themes seem to use the 3d model in the cover flow whereas i want to use it in place of the box artwork. c-beats did mention that it should be able to be used. i just don't know enough about xaml atm.

  7. I've gone through all settings in BB, any ref to 3D Box Model is turned on. I am only able to get the Box Front image to show. I've also tried in multiple views, including the Text List view. Is it possible this isn't the correct code to show/generate the 3D Model?

    <transitions:TransitionPresenter  TransitionSelector="{Binding ImageTransitionSelector}" Content="{Binding ImageView}" VerticalAlignment="Center" HorizontalAlignment="Center" />



  8. 9 minutes ago, y2guru said:

    im assuming you unchecked designer friendly (otherwise it throws an error message)

    i believe you need to change your bigbox settings to show the 3D model now that the code is in place

    I believe I have it set to show in BB, unless this isn't the correct setting...


  9. 13 hours ago, y2guru said:

    like this?


    add User Source, position and size it 


    Scroll down thru the properties until you get to "Common"


    Click "New", give it a name, press OK


    Type the following or copy/paste from here

    <transitions:TransitionPresenter  TransitionSelector="{Binding ImageTransitionSelector}" Content="{Binding ImageView}" VerticalAlignment="Center" HorizontalAlignment="Center" />

    Click "Save"

    You will get an error (it doesnt like TransitionPresenter)  Ignore it and uncheck "Designer Friendly"


    Now, you will not receive any errors.

    When you publish, this code is embedded inside your view







    This is for showing the 3D Box Model, correct? I went through the steps but I just get the Box Front in the User Source when in BB, it's not building the 3D Model. Maybe I'm missing a setting.

  10. 1 hour ago, reddcxiii said:

    Hi, I was wondering if anyone could help me figure out a couple of things? i’m working on a pretty cool unique theme that I plan on releasing shortly and I need some help. How do I add the 3-D model box to the game detail screen? I can't figure out which element it is in CTC. Also, how do I edit the selection box around the "favorite games" and "recent games" elements, on the platform screens? Currently, it’s showing a pink box that doesn’t fully go around the box art and gets cut off at the bottom and I'd like to fix it. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.

    Hi, sry no help I just did my first theme with CTC but was wondering are you trying to show the generated 3D Box instead of the pre-made 3D Box artwork? I was interested in this as well if so since many games don't have 3D Box artwork available. I believe C-Beats said it was possible in a theme so hoping you find a way in CTC.

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