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Everything posted by FakedPotato

  1. Thanks for the feedback. Having issues turning an empty txt file into a JPEG. just using free online converter sites. says since its 0 KB it cant be converted. I assume im missing something silly here... Ugh. Noob-ness.
  2. Thanks for your help.
  3. Circled green in attached photo. Would like to know if theres anyway to customize the look of the video player. Maybe make it a tv? A plain box is kinda boring. Just curious if thats possible, and if so, how!
  4. Mind elaborating on that? I am a newbie to launch box but I too do not like the banners and want them gone. They do re create themselves.
  5. How do I remove these images that have consoles on them? I circled it. I have looked through pretty much all settings and cant seem to find the right box to tick to get rid of these console photos. To me they are in the way of the theme, just not necessary.
  6. I have added clear logos for all N64 games from Emumovies Sync to my harddrive. I took the images and put them in my Launchbox/Images/Nintendo64/ClearLogos folder and they all work and pop up in bigbox on the gamewheel. But Gamecube isnt working when i follow the same process. it still shows plain white text on the gamewheel for each game, ( i only have like 7 games on GC ) I have attached a picture of the path the logos are in, and a pic of bigbox not displaying them ( shit quality, very sorry. Should of thought a little more about that before going to work..) The pic shows Bigbox not populating Logos for the games, and the other pic is the file location the GC Logos are in. I downloaded from emumovies sync the Logos to match my gamecube ROMS folder, got all them, put them in the Launchbox/Images/Gamecube/ClearLogos folder but they do not show up on Big box, the same process for n64. Any suggestions? I have confirmed that the titles of the Logos match dead on with the rom names, so im not sure what to do.
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