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Everything posted by L4ZYD4NE

  1. Figured from your earlier comment that was indeed the case, man, to have lost any of these projects you're working on would have been absolutely devastating! Would be cool/smart to setup an auto backup system in future, it's something I'd like to implement for myself actually, that way the backups would never be out of date, since you're not handling everything manually... in fact, your whole ordeal has reminded me to catch up on my own backups .
  2. Oh man, that's the best thing I've heard all week, ever since you mentioned you were having major PC trouble I've been chomping at the bit, not due to any kind of impatience for new stuff or anything, but due to my own experiences just like it, lost so much work/data over the years due to crap like this (thankfully I'm far more prepared now days). Anyways, I'm super stoked you'll be back up and running in no time... but please for the love of gawd, create backups my dude!!! XD
  3. Hey boet, thanks for all the hard work you've been putting into these. I did a bit of looking and came across this instruction card, it seems to have few matches, hope this'll help. ?
  4. Holly heck that's a whole lotta' overlays to get through ?, but it's gonna be an incredible collection to have when all's said and done. I just wanna say, each day has been a total nostalgic trip for me... so big thanks for bringing back the memories, keep on rockin' yo! ?
  5. You're a freakin' machine my dude, these really do elevate the experience to a whole 'nother level... thanks stacks for all the hard work/effort you put into these beauties, it's much appreciated.?
  6. Ah that's friggin' awesome my dude, Love it! ?
  7. Awesome stuff bro, super stoked to see some more arcades done in your brilliant "lights out" style, I'll certainly be watching this thread closely.
  8. Oh sweet, cant wait to see how those come out, gonna be some perlers in there I'm sure.
  9. These all came out awesome bro, it's super sweet having the entire NeoGeo library covered now, well done! ... so what's next on your to do list my man? Sorry, I had to ask, just can't get enough of these overlays yo.
  10. That does sound pretty neat, gonna be looking forward to seeing those.
  11. Wow that was fast (fewer games I guess), These look incredible man, they really do elevate the whole experience, keep em coming bro.
  12. Aw yeah! Don't think I've ever hit that download button so hard! Sooo much to enjoy in this here packaroo and you weren't kidding, you pretty much got every info label humanly possible, thanks stacks bro, your stuff is amazing and very much appreciated. *Goes off for a night of arcade bliss*
  13. Ah you deserve it man and more, holy heck that sounds amazing, I'd genuinely love to see that myself when it's all done. No worries on the non dedicated artwork bro, even the basic instruction stuff puts a big ol' smile on my face Yeah, Ghost'n Goblins is a classic no question. I only recently noticed you put a Ghouls'n Ghosts (Genesis) poster together from various sources, very impressive that, not to mention it looks the business... actually kinda tempted to get one printed for myself at some point.
  14. You're most certainly welcome bro, I'm just amazed there aren't more ppl commenting on your stuff and singing it's praise, heck it was your theme "Neon Deluxe Arcade" that finally convinced me to purchase a license for Launchbox. Aw man, can't wait for that CPS2 set, gonna play me a whole lot of Vampire Savior and really pleased to know you'll be delving into the Mame side of things as well, as there's just so many games there that would benefit from your kind of magic, besides now that you've done Ghouls'n Ghosts, you can't just leave out Ghosts'n Goblins can ya?
  15. These 4k overlays you're putting together are amazing, I'm absolutely lovin' em. I honestly can't stop wondering which you'll choose to do next, could it be CPS2? Maybe something for sega? Oooh, or maybe it'll be a Konami pack! Regardless, I'm amped for the next one (whatever it may be), keep up the phenomenal work!
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