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Everything posted by Z3R0B4NG

  1. I'm sure there was some shader you are supposed to use with it to get an effect like this, it might not be active by default ...either way, if that effect isn't even active then the CRT borders within the 4:3 screen area make even less sense to me. (i know the video is from another project, i'm just using it to show what i was thinking of)
  2. I voted against bezel project for one reason mostly, i do like the idea of 16:9 borders to get rid of the dead black space on my 16:9 screen, i mostly already do that myself in retro arch, but bezel project as far as i know also has these fake CRT borders inside the 4:3 game window for ALL OF THEM and artificially bends the actual game picture via Shaders and i just hate how that looks... i tried it a few times and i even managed to get a little nauseous from it. If there was an option for just 16:9 borders without any of the other stuff, that i'd be all for, but i think that is probably beyond the scope of what is planned here. I don't mind if you add it, but i'm 99% sure i won't use it. As far as Linux support goes, i voted yes, but i want to make clear that i would want to use it on the Steam Deck, i don't have mine yet, with some luck it might even work through Proton or Wine already, no idea how any of that works. There are also already some other options that just add the roms as steam games and set it all up automatically (Emulation Station, EmuDeck) ...but i sure wouldn't complain if LaunchBox made its way onto it as an additional option. That would also go hand in hand with the mentioned sync options.
  3. //solved... i turned the PC off and on again -.- now it starts up instantly. ...OK.
  4. Thanks, i've got my first Xbox game running *hooray* and everything setup in LaunchBox (now i just need to start collecting more games) technically it all WORKS... but... i got one big problem, the XEMU .exe itself is not responding for 95 Seconds (no hyperbole, i tested with stopwatch.) all i get is a white screen and nothing happens, then after 95 seconds it suddenly works just fine. The first 20 times i just killed the .exe in Taskmanager because i thought it just crashed and was unresponsive, kept watching YT tutorials and had it open and suddenly it started. But in all YT videos i watch it starts up instantly, i don't understand! Anybody got an idea what the issue might be? xemu.log
  5. My vote went to better RetroArch integration with Cores. I do not need LB to download cores for me (i wouldn't mind it, but i don't need it), but it would be REALLY nice if there was a autodetect button which cores are already installed and match them to the correct platforms, so i don't have to create a list of possibly over 100 cores and what systems they match manually, that is truly cumbersome and the names of those cores are anything but intuitive. That would be a massive time saver. I also have multiple copies of RetroArch installed as i always download and install the latest version to a fresh folder when i update one of my imported systems, just so i don't break an older RA config. Yes please, may need soon! Got my Steam Deck reserved, and i'll add a 720p optimized Linux port into the pot, that thing screams for an emulation frontend, first to market is usually the winner, go go go!
  6. yes, same as i described, first there is no reaction, then i right click on the tray icon of the test script, put a checkmark in "Suspend Hotkeys", then it displays ALL the keys just fine. If yours doesn't do that i'll try later with one of my old X360 pads (it has horrible stick drift and idk where the USB dongle is right now lol, maybe tomorrow) I have the default settings in LB Controller Mappings, i removed the bindings for LB+RB (5+6), that didn't help. (they do work fine in the LaunchBox UI though.) I also noticed that there are 2 scripts running while a C64 game is active. in the tray, like with the test script i can right click and Suspend Hotkeys, but it still won't zoom with RB+LB if i open the manual... so that isn't the solution either.
  7. Hey, i just tried this as mine didn't zoom either... i got a german layout keyboard, When i have a Manual open i can zoom in and out with the i and o keys on the keyboard but RB + LB on the gamepad do nothing. (Xinput mode on two 8bitdo pads tested) Joystick Test Script.exe shows 5 and 6 but i first have to right click the apps icon and select the suspend hotkeys option before it shows anything (might that be important?)
  8. In this context "Fanart" is kind of a copout, pretty much anything can be construed as "Fanart"... there is no category for official background artwork with stricter rules either so we have to make the best of what we have to work with. As for Mortal Kombat (i'm no expert there either, but i did look around a bit just now), you may see that logo as "generic" but on closer inspection many of the games in that Franchise have very unique artwork when it comes to that dragon... a few examples: It absolutely makes sense to stick with the style of the official artwork, even if it seems generic on first glance. Just like i wouldn't want to see the MMPR Power Rangers team in the background of a Power Rangers Zeo game, that just doesn't belong. Or the wrong art style of Turtles... (and i did clean up a lot of that a while ago... it was a mess!). ...i hope i made at least that point a bit more clear, because he didn't do a good job at that.
  9. Not to mention, sharing videos from Emu Movies is a no no, they don't like that.
  10. oops... try this one MEGA
  11. That reminds me i collected a bunch of C64 covers a few months back... the mega account should still be up. MEGA they should for the most part be Cassette covers with front, spine and back, i put a few days into that and it didn't go anywhere, maybe you can do something useful with it if you are now screwing around with 3D boxes yourself.
  12. Well, i'm glad it's not just me then... i saw a bunch of yours and there was no reason given either. But at this point i think we need whoever is responsible for coding that stuff to take a look at this, it surely is easier to figure out what is wrong when you can look at the code.
  13. ok next: "Jump" only text "removing duplicate alt names to fix new discoverability issue, see forum troubleshooting section thread by Z3R0B4NG" maybe it will show without URL? //edit: and "Jumpman" only the URL h*t*t*p*s://forums.launchbox-app.com/topic/58926-launchbox-doesnt-find-c64-archer-pinhead-games-in-db-is-the-workaround-with-developer-names-in-brackets-not-working-anymore/ (without the ****)
  14. ... yes pretty sure i pasted that text in there, i just did Jack and the Beanstalk (Victory Software) and Jackal (North American) if the text doesn't show up there either i'm going mad lol i guess its possible that it blocks it because there is an url in there? or maybe its too long? ... but why am i not getting an error message then...
  15. i'm literally copy pasting this text in almost all of them (the ones that apply anyway) > removing duplicate alt names to fix discoverability in LB which has changed in one of the recent updates, the previous workaround is now breaking discoverability ...and PLEASE stop fighting the changes, read the thread that i am linking all day long! h*t*t*p*s://forums.launchbox-app.com/topic/58926-launchbox-doesnt-find-c64-archer-pinhead-games-in-db-is-the-workaround-with-developer-names-in-brackets-not-working-anymore/ yesterday i was pasting the link to the direct comment... i skipped maybe a FEW but not hundreds. and not all changes i make are this type of change. i've also seen somebody else started making the same type of changes for Pinball and Arcade... that's not me.
  16. *cries* i did include the link ... some people are just resistant to reading the description it seems
  17. i would need the roms to scrape them from screenscraper, but ok. also, check here again, i'm currently fixing the alt names for the games with duplicate names in the DB so it shouldn't be such a PITA to match them in LaunchBox anymore when i'm done (and now i need to fight the moderators who refuse to read the thread, even though i'm linking it all day long... aarrrgh, every damn time... as if it wasn't enough to have to schlock through 90+ pages in the DB):
  18. @Zombeaver hold off on the duplicate entries for now, i'm going through the C64 DB now updating those entries so they show up properly, pages 1-20 of 97 are done for now and awaiting moderation... give me a day or three
  19. Hooray! ...and also OH NOES, now we can go over the entire Database again and educate the moderators about this change...
  20. ok, let me explain a bit what i did there first of all those folders as they come out of the .rar i had simply in the Box - 3D folder, as you don't have your games tagged with regions LaunchBox doesn't prioritize any of these folders and while fiddling around i learned the LB doesn't look for actual region folders but takes everything that is in there. My idea was that the user could then decide themself which set to use and only drop that one in or two etc. there are some Alt 1 2 3 subfolders, those are ALSO seen by LaunchBox, those are ones that i had already sorted but that had more than one cover / region variant. LaunchBox will see everything and randomly decide which of the variants to use when you just drop everything into the folder, and it will randomly decide each time it has to display it, you can press F5 on one of those multiple times and it will eventually change... it won't stay on that one specific box though, next time it will chose randomly again. There is a Alien (CP Verlag)-01.png and Zig-Zag-01.png in the root folder, those are there to stop LaunchBox from grabbing onto 3D Boxes that belong to other games with identical name but different publisher/dev. ...that was more of a test what LaunchBox would accept "Alien (CP Verlag)-01.png" ...you see when you put a -01 behind the dev in parenthesis it will accept it only for this Alien game, if the game in LaunchBox is also NAMED like that. If you don't have the -01 it tends to ignore anything in parenthesis. Just something to keep in mind when you can't get rid of a 3D box that latched onto a wrong game that has no 3D box. (same naming logic applies to videos and everything else btw.) ok... some background to the folders themselve. 3D Box by marcoooo that was a huge set with a LOT of duplicate and broken pictures, the guy who made these just threw every cover he had into the template and didn't clean it up or did any quality control, just dumped it in the LaunchBox download section where i've found it .... there were tons of duplicates (side A B C D stuff mostly) lots of broken pictures, like covers that still had the spine and back on the front as well, those i deleted for the most part (at least the ones that instantly looked terrible). 3D Box EmuMovies i don't like those, ugly generic spine, this is just the set they have on EmuMovies, nobody touched C64 over there in years it seems, old set, but better than nothing. 3D Box Generic same as above, ugly generic spine, better than nothing, but i don't know the original source, those were boxes that were scraped by LaunchBox and i kinda sorted them out into this folder. 3D Box LBDB this is what came from my new LBDB scrape... from over half a year ago, i'm sure a good amount of these have been replaced in the DB by now and a new scrape might be in order. ...or just use as is. 3D Box Screenscraper those i scraped from Screenscraper.fr (that needs an account and a scraper software, bit fiddly) that site uses a texture (with back,spine,cover) and generates these boxes on the site from a template, so when there are 500 or what more games in the collection now it would probably be a good idea to do a new scrape of those as well. (do you have a download with just the new games?) There was also a lot of cleanup work to do here because i didn't just scrape for your set but also the No-Intro sets and some other stuff and that database does not only use filenames but also file hashes, since your roms don't have the game name in the filename but only in the folder name that was very helpful.
  21. let me know when you got it. https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1RhI2h0H18Po5hkHuYEZEvfyEZpmIfOzd?usp=sharing
  22. oh god no... i knew i should have finished it ... i started from scratch like 3 times and gave up, i was at it for days and only got 185 of your 2000 games "done" i still have the files from the last attempt, i compressed them just now into a .rar ... any idea where i can upload a 2.5GB file? it is basically a bunch of *full* 3D box sets, with SOME of it renamed so it matches the names in C64 Dreams, most of it is still hit and miss and i guess there is a lot in there that isn't even in your collection, but i did clean up the sets so there isn't tons of duplicate stuff in there, so that's something.
  23. logos for each magazine sounds a bit much OCD, and like the kind of thing that will just slow everything down without anyone really caring all that much. mags and stuff are fine bonus content, but lets keep the focus on the games. clear logos for categories are nice if you use BigBox but that is as far as i'd go with that. just my 2 cents of course.
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