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Everything posted by Bellingham
Apologies if this is the wrong place / an idiotic question, but I'm having trouble upgrading from RA 1.9.0 > 1.9.1 -- I normally just download the 64bit installer for Win10, which seems to overwrite only the 'new bits', keeping my settings etc intact, but with this latest update, it first tried to install to a different directory, then doesn't seem to have actually done much (RA still claims to be v1.9.0). Just how dumb am I being?
Version 1.0.0
Hi all, occasional lurker making a first contribution here. Here are some clear logos I made for playlists etc which I thought others might like or at least not despise. I'd downloaded garbanzo's 'Years' playlists and sorted them into decades as per the suggestion, and had used some of Retroni's superb System Playlist logos to label each individual year, but wanted some clear logos of my own to denote the decades. Then I liked the look of what I'd done and made some more logos for other things. Hope they're of use! -
Through the Decades playlist Clear Logos and more... View File Hi all, occasional lurker making a first contribution here. Here are some clear logos I made for playlists etc which I thought others might like or at least not despise. I'd downloaded garbanzo's 'Years' playlists and sorted them into decades as per the suggestion, and had used some of Retroni's superb System Playlist logos to label each individual year, but wanted some clear logos of my own to denote the decades. Then I liked the look of what I'd done and made some more logos for other things. Hope they're of use! Submitter Bellingham Submitted 07/04/2019 Category Playlist Clear Logos
Default assets - Extract to Platforms directory
Bellingham commented on dragon57's file in Platform Default Image Packs
Default assets - Extract to Platforms directory
Bellingham commented on dragon57's file in Platform Default Image Packs
Default assets - Extract to Platforms directory
Bellingham commented on dragon57's file in Platform Default Image Packs
Default assets - Extract to Platforms directory
Bellingham commented on dragon57's file in Platform Default Image Packs
With the new XBOX Game Pass Ultimate account, you can install certain Game Pass titles on a PC as well as the XBOX -- is there any way to add them to LB yet? I may be missing something obvious but I can't seem to find a way to locate them on my PC and then point LB at them. Thanks in advance to anyone who can help!
Apologies again if this is a dumb question, but is there any way to set 'custom' default clear logos for auto-generated playlists? Say I want to generate a playlist for Atari Jaguar genres, but would prefer to use a different logo for, say, puzzle games than the default one -- is there any way to swap it out without having to delete and replace? Are the default clear logos stored anywhere obvious and I'm just being unobservant?
Hi all. Apologies if this is a stupid question, or one that's been answered elsewhere (couldn't quite find what I was looking for). I'm hoping to set up BigBox so it plays random game videos (as opposed to a universal theme video) for any given playlist, but all I get is a black screen and silence (I've got the 'play random video' option checked in BB options, btw). I've definitely, at some point in the past, had it set up so for one playlist it played random videos from a folder full of of vintage videogame commercials, but now no matter what I do I get just a black screen. I'm sure I'm overlooking something -- but what? FWIW I'm using the Retrofresh theme. Thanks in advance!
Yep they've all got just one inside. It's really weird -- they still work when I launch them via Maximus. I'm wondering if it's something to do with 7-Zip, somehow. I was using WinRAR before.
First of all, thanks for replying, and for helping me clarify what I'm on about! I'll try to be concise... They all worked with CCS64 launched with Maximus. Didn't try WinVice w/ Maximus though. Yes! And tantalizingly, the working ones are all bunched together, in alphabetical order. Everything from 'VE' through to 'Z' works fine -- about 16 games. But there are over 800 titles before that, from the letter A down, none of which work at all. The fact that they're bunched together can't be a coincidence. They were all imported at the same time though, along with titles that don't work. Yep, same exact path and everything. I wondered about that, but nope, it's definitely closing down. Now I thought I'd tried this before, but apparently I hadn't because when I did this (at least to one chosen at random) -- it worked. So that must be a clue. Now, when extract from archive is turned off, the ones that ARE working suddenly FAIL to work, in precisely the same way as the non-working ones (ie the C64 just sits there saying READY). Presumably because they're zip files which now aren't being extracted? Another clue: I've alt-tabbed over to look inside the Launchbox 7-Zip Temp folder and once I try to launch a game, it's being successfully extracted into that folder (I'm assuming that's the right place where LB temporarily stores extracted roms). And when I shut CS64 down the temp file is being deleted. It does this with the ones that work *and* the ones that don't! Yes, sorry, should've said. I 've been using %romfile% -autorun. Then I removed the %romfile& bit. I've tired it with and without, tried removing quotes etc. Oddly it doesn't seem to make any difference to the working ones whether I include *any* of those parameters or not! (Likewise, if I turn quotes on or off, they still work). Anyway, thanks again for listening! I guess I could unzip and re-import everything, but it'd take a while to sort out, and what's driving me nuts is I'm sure I must've just changed something tiny somewhere which should be simple to put right -- if only I can figure out what it is. Still, getting it all up and running is half the fun, right?...
Hi all, new here so apologies in advance if this is the world's stupidest question. Got an issue I just can't fathom at all. I have an arcade cabinet with Maximus Arcade on it, and have been migrating everything to Launchbox / Bigbox as it's soooo much better. Everything's been going swimmingly until this really bizarre issue I just can't work out. I've been importing C64 roms to use with CCS64. They all work fine in CCS64 when I use Maximus, but when I use Launchbox only the last eight or so I imported seem to work! To make matters even more confusing, it's the same if I try to launch them via WinVice -- the exact same ones work fine outside of Launchbox, but not inside it. I can see no difference whatsoever between the working roms and the non-working ones, but since CCS64 makes no attempt to even run the non-working ones (it just sits there saying 'Ready'), it would seem to be some issue to do with where Launchbox is pointing the things. All the roms are zipped (which as I understand it shouldn't work in CCS64 anyhow, yet some of them do). They're a mix of T64 and D64 so that's not the issue. The only deciding factor in whether they work or not seems to be if they're the final eight or so alphabetically speaking! It makes no sense! What's really frustrating is at first *none* of them seemed to work, so I was tinkering with command lines, checking and unchecking the 'unzip archives before running roms' box and so on, trying to work out what was up -- and it seems I must've suddenly stumbled across *something* that worked -- but maybe only for the games on screen at that moment? That makes no sense I know, but I'm at a loss, hence this post. Which is probably boring. Sorry!