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Everything posted by RedHoodRobin64

  1. Dam, working on nes right now. I was thinking to make it look like a nes controller but some games i had some fun with, example, mario bros marios buttons are red and luigis are green. Excite bikes i did orange. Idk what id do with out the rgbs
  2. Glad that worked for ya! led blinky is frigen amazing, I actually did a baby reveal for my first kid due in july on the cab. I wanted a baby reveal that no one else had ever done
  3. Oh and real cool idea I had you may apreciate. If you like monkey ball for the game cube, in dolphin you can set the joy stick to the track ball, Stupid fun!
  4. I totally get the nostalgia thing, Being in the woods all my life, it was not often I got to experience arcades. I grew up with literally every system cause I was spoiled rotten. All segas, all nintendos, and all sony. Never really had xbox until much much later. I actually bought a snes switch online controller just so i could use it on the arcade. I hate having to get the keyboard out, one it just looks like things are breaking, and 2, your guest will not think to do that and get confused. Completely ruins the smooth transitions. Your pc is is defently better then mine, gtx 1070 i7 7700 16gb ram. The Internal storage uses hdd which really slows things down for steam. Im gonna have to try that out, but never really thought to boot a steam game first either. Thank you for the sugestion! As for the gamecube games and stuff, I find my guests love the light demonstrations and for non gamers (which theres alot around here...lol) I find that the stick and buttons are actually easier for them then traditional controllers. But when i get the new house, I absolutely want controllers for every system to work on here and have a wall dedicated to it
  5. Is this what your talking about? Drives me crazy too! I think if your having a get together, boot one steam game and then its not a prob but its still a pain in the ass and awful to look at 20220219_124357.mp4
  6. and for the anologue being off set in game, emulators them selves usually have some dead zones you can set for your sticks per person. My p4 stick was way way off, and in Mario party it would actually move the character a little, so that dead zone trick really came in handy because when I hooked all these up for the first time I went in panic mode when i saw that. Those sticks with the octoganal gates was the greatest thing I ever did. May not click like your traditional sticks but its like having a dpad with analogue! Totally think you should give them another whirl.
  7. Ya i hear ya, I live in Vermont in the middle of the woods and I swear to god i'm the only arcade builder around here. So not often am I actually not speaking a foreign language to someone lol. So for me steam boots up as the pc boots. I know a pop up screws up the big box launch of a steam game if im offline because a little widow pops up but is hidden behind bigbox asking if you want to boot offline. It differently is a slow process to boot games depending on how good your pc is, and what your drive is. I find indie games boot real quick, but some titles take forever, I never really deamed it a prob because when ever the arcade is being used, im always there. Im trying to understand what your saying about it losing focus. I know when i boot a game the screen flashes a few times and isnt the prettiest sight to look at. Defently a pain for those not comfortable with computers like us. Maybe try the load screen option when you boot? Il give it a try and report my findings here. As for the u360s, your right, they have a pain in the ass time centering completely because of the magnets the sticks use. I need them cause i and others on here love analogue games. Big Box would sometimes scroll randomly because of how fidgity the sticks are. So I decided to disable the sticks in bigbox and use the pinball buttons to scroll up and down in my set up. Obviosly that can be confusing if someones first time is trying to move the sticks and be like why is it moving? So I use to have themes that would scroll left and right, I found that the sticks actually behave when using a up and down theme instead. If you could ever get the game pad mode to work, It was the only way for me to get my u360 sticks to be combine with the generic game pad for x360ce. that allows all the users to play games like mario party and what ever else uses anologue
  8. This is the special firmware for those viewing this off topic conversation lol. I needed this so i could get the second board to get along with x360ce IPAC_ULTIMATE_139a_ID2.ufw
  9. So i actually use x360ce because i have ultra stick 360s. So full anologue. The only program i could get to register full anologue. With having a four player cab it was really tricky. I had to get a custom firmware from andy at ultimarc. I can share that on here. But your using ipac 2s, not so sure my fix would work for you. Baisicly x360ce is a pain if you make your pc think your bottons are keyboard presses because you cant have both p1 and p2 use a keyboard. With the ipac ultimate io there is a download from ultimarc that you can make it so your pc sees it as 2 generic controllers and a keyboard. The special request i got from andy made it so my second io for players 2 and 4 (1 and 3 is left side) i had to get it so it was identified differently so my pc could see 4 generic controllers. I can do a litle digging and see whats up with the boards your using. But if you can get x360ce to work for you, it works so much better. Not to mention mame, retroarch and other emulators have no issues with it. Just a few steam games gave me trouble but thats a game by game basis and dosent give me trouble often. As for your lights, i didnt see your controls shut off but i did notice your trackball and function buttons flicker. For me there was a setting that did the trick for me in led blinky. If you double click on steam in the control editor, make sure you tick ignore gamequit commands. That made it so it just stays focused until you highlight a new game. Hopefully that works for you
  10. If any of this interest you and need me to clarify more let me know. If you notice closely, i told led blinky my buttons are the alphabet. So when it ask for the key code i put both a and e cause that is each players botton 1. Then it opens the door to allowing the other player sections for multiple flashes at once
  11. Dam that is beautiful! Hey just to let you know asuming you use led blinky, real cool tip, when you demo lights for games, i came up with a neat way to flash multiple buttons at once. Not sure if your a fighting game player, but lots of games like ultimate marvel vs capcom 3, mortal kombat, and some others require multiple button presses for super and stuff. If when you code your lights in led blinky, if you code all players lights under p1, then when you want to light multiple at once, you use the other players. Im gonna put a video on here if possible. If not then a few photos. Least i can do for all your advice. One of the most ausome ideas ive ever had tho for sher, and il defenently let you know how pinball goes when i get some more time
  12. Unfortunately its a manual rotation. Its pretty cool tho. 200 bucks from amazon and it holds up to a 70 inch with 90 degree rotation. Thats what i got on there is a 70 and its amazing. Once i move into the new house im gonna build a new panel very untraditional. I want 3 sepreat pedastals. 1 for players 1 and 3. One for 2 and 4. And one for the track ball and other accessories. Way i see it, not sure what boards you use to juice your buttons. I got 2 i pac ultimate io to light the rgb buttons. 1 that does the left side, one that does the right. All panels i ever see built are all in one unit like what i got. And it looks amazing to play on. Truth is its way to cramp. So im thinking a board only conects 2 players, soo... why does it all have to be together? But way off topic, i had that same prob with pup pack videos getting stuck behind other things. I stoped fighting with it and assumed it was cause i was trying to do to much on 1 monitor. But i think youve given me the motivation to try again. Thanks for all the advice!
  13. Wow ausome cab! I got those black button covers but i found that some of the buttons would think it was held down with those caps on. May have installed them wrong. Excuse the mess in the photos, in the process of moving. But this is my set up. The big screen rotates so i get a full table or giant ds out of it, and rotate back when i go back to other games. The pinball isue i was trying to fix with vpx was getting the pup pack videos to display and have the back glass and the dmd all on the same screen. Just couldnt figure that out. But like the pic showing fx3 avp, thats more or less what my vpx also looks like
  14. Thank you, its funny i watched that exact video about a year ago and got vpx running. Couldnt figure out how to get pup packs to work properly with a 2 monitor setup. Its odd with fx2 situation tho because it only affects fx3 in my steam library. My other steam games boot up just fine. Im gonna try a couple things and see what i can do to fix this and report back here. But really appreciate your suggestions
  15. So i bought every table for pinball fx3. Pinball fx2 on the other hand i downloaded because they dont sell it anymore. Its the only way i could play some of the lost tables like pvz and southpark. So the pinball fx2 i downloaded signs me in as user skidrow. Thats fine, when im done with a fx2 table and go to play fx3, i get an error (skidrow apid is not configured) if i restart my computer it works as long as i dont open up a fx2 table. Fx2 seems to conect under the skidrow acount then tries to sign in with the same acount through fx3. How can i make it so fx2 is always offline? Is there a script or something i could use? Its really frustrating to have to reset when this happens. Any help would be deeply apreciated
  16. Any word if this is in the works? Severely underrated feature
  17. I decided to digging in the forums and followed Lordmonkus directions on performance increases for launchbox. Disabled a ton of unnecessary things and now everything is back to normal. I will Leave this post here with the solved tag incase someone else runs into the same issue
  18. Should clarify a few things. I have a gtx 1070, 16 gigs ram, and a i7 7700 runing windows 11. The Playlists are really slowing down my rig. Its so painfully noticeable. I'm really considering discarding all that work just because of the slow down. I even tried a theme with no videos and just trying to load it takes forever.
  19. So ive decided to rehall my arcade to the platform catagorys playlist. But i got a couple probs with it. 1. Depending on the size of the playlist, the video that represents the playlist right b4 you click in is so slow if you have a big playlist. Marios a great example. Or puzzle i have over 200 and it takes a few seconds for it to switch from the video it was last on to the puzzle one. My osumption was its becasue its pre loading the playlist. But why is this not a issue with arcade as a platform? Got over 5000 there and the video loads instantly.. 2. This one is niche but still dosent make sense to me. The parent function is really ausome. I had a cool idea for pinball fx3 to make themed sections. So i click pinball, then pinball fx3, then i have all the different catagories like movies and tv, marvel, starwars, ect... no isue there. How ever if i want to make a mario play list, i add sections afterwords because in the parent check list, it wont let me see anything under playlist. Even if i check see playlist in platform. This one i can work around as i can just make seperate play lists. But just seems strange your not aloud too 3. Last but not least in big box, in the platform catagorys sections dedicated to playlist show 0 total games. You click on it and the actual playlist show the right numbers. Such a small thing but anoying none the less. Anybody have a clue how to deal with these issues? Thanks in advanced
  20. Hey I was hoping to make a request. I went through this entire forum and couldn't find a logo for some playlists. Banjo & Kazooie Wario Dr. Mario Yoshi Mario & Sonic at the Olympics Mario Sports Mega Man Battle Network Mario vs Donkey Kong Mario Educational Educational Paper Mario Mario & Luigi Series Scooby Doo Tiny Tunes Tom and Jerry Tekken Columns Army Men Arcade All Contra Spinner Racing Games I know theres mario and mega man but I think this would help seperate the bulk in those collections. No trouble if you can't. Sorry For so manny and no hurry at all. (I updated this with a few more, went through this forum a couple times just to make sure)
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