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Wireless Controllers for Intellivision or Colecovision?


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I did a quick google and could not really find too much. Is there no option for an Intellivision type controller for PC? It would also have to be wireless. Otherwise, my collection of Intellivision roms are fun to look at and browse, but otherwise not really playable. I would love to play Baseball or Boxing with my wife on the couch, but I don't really see how that is possible? I did buy the AtGames Intellivsion console that you plug into your TV and it plays about 50 or so games. It's kind of junky, but sort of gets the job done.
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I believe there is an adapter that lets you plug in intellivision controllers to your PC but that doesn't help for wireless solutions. if you have a XBox controller (360 or One) or any controller with two analogs a d-pad and 12 buttons you can always map the analogs as number buttons ie left analog 1=Laxisy+ 2=Laxisx+ 3=Laxisy- 4=Laxisx-. Personally I would love to see some one make a wireless controller for these consoles so you could easily map the number keys and maybe even print your own overlays to add to the controllers.
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I think I was mistaken. It was the Atari 2600 Flashback that has wireless controllers. I saw the Atari, Colecovision and Intellivision products on the same day and checked out reviews for them later that evening. I must have confused the Atari with the Intellivision.
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