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Import local images and videos?


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There doesn't appear to be a way to import local images (box art, snaps, etc) and videos that I have previously downloaded from Emumovies. I don't believe a simple copy/paste into the Launchbox image folders will work as the images are not named exactly the same when downloaded with the Emumovies download service tool. For example, here is the difference between the two file names: Launchbox box art download: ActRaiser Emumovies download tool box art download: ActRaiser (USA) When the roms are imported, Launchbox truncates the "(USA)" from the roms filename but the Emumovies download tool does not truncate "(USA)" from the image file name. It would be nice to be able to import local images into Launchbox similarly to importing roms. It would save me from downloading all the images and videos twice. Also, for whatever reason, it takes an extremely long time to download the images and videos through Launchbox. Any possibility of adding a local image and video import option?
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I've added Videos straight from the EmuMovie download tool to my video folders and no not all videos are matched but a pretty good amount are. I recently found out that the files don't have to be exactly named the same but do need to be close. Are you sure that the region in say a videos name will keep LB from recognizing it.
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