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I may have missed it some where but can you scrap a specific file type per system? My PSX library contains cue and bin files, the scrapper is picking up both so my collection has about 10 of the same games in the scrap results. I would prefer to exclude scrapping the bin files and make cue priority.
So if you need help with a specific system, we have tutorials on our YouTube channel which you can get to by clicking the link in my signature. When you import games (Tools -> Rom Import) select "Add Files". Navigate to your PS1 games folder. In that root folder at the top right where it says Windows Search type "*.cue" with the quotations. It will search for anything in that folder and any subfolders that ends with .cue. This isn't a workaround, it's left open like this so that it can be as powerful as users need it.
Funny, I've never thought to import an entire folder at once like that. Kiss Especially for playstation which has a ton of different file types. I've always imported my games with a simple drag'n drop in LB. I just select the desired file type (.cue) and drag in the right plateform. I've discovered your method in your Emulating Sega Saturn with RetroArch video, Brad Wink Good to know.
I prefer to just go into File Explorer do the search there and drag the files into LaunchBox it saves you a few steps in the import process and it is basically doing the same thing.
What format are your Sega CDs in mine are .bin and .cue and unless I pick the file type I want every game will have multiple files.
Mine are also in bin cue but for some reason it only picked up the cue files. That was the reason I was surprised when I ported over PSX and saw like 15 entries for each game haha.
  • 4 weeks later...
hello a extension filter would be nice with the import function i imported 420 future pinball tables i selected the main folder named tables for import each table is in a seperate folder some tables has more file then only the *.ftp one and the result was that lauch box showed 824 entry's because they are in a seprate folder the filter trick in explorer and then drag and drop wont work :)
Why does that not work? Rom import or drag and drop, the filter feature will give you ONLY the files you have searched for. If you need multiple passes it's easier to do that in the Rom Importer instead. Windows search is your extension filter.
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