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Hi, I am pretty new to moderating contributions. I already read the moderating guidelines, but wasn't lucky on how to find out if hacks are ok. I stumbled across a pending contribution for Super Mario Bros 4, which seems to be a hack. A good looking one with all necessary information and pictures, but still a hack. What do i have to do? Reject it, or accept it? A little off-topic: I know i can reject a contribution and leave a note why i did it, but i find it a bit hard to reject a complete contribution, when only the realase date for example is wrong. Are there any thoughts on partially marking wrong informations and accept the right ones?
Hi! ^_^ I was passing by here for other circumstances and found your post about the same pending game in my moderation cue. It's a hack of the game "Armadillo" only released for the japanese Famicom. I think it's not a very relevant hack since the only thing changed was the main character that was swapped with crappy and misplaced Mario sprites. It haven't any level layout or story changes. It's only the exact same Armadillo game with Mario in it, like any other chinese ROM hack. I think it doesn't deserve an entry in the database because the lack of interesting changes that can make me say "it's a new game" or "it's an improved version", but I still don't know if it's correct to do that. Please, help? :(
Hi guys, eventually we will be accepting hacks, but for now unfortunately I think we need to just decline the game. Eventually I want to add a Hack or similar field to games along with user options to either hide or show them. For now, though, I think it's best if we don't accept hacks. I agree @moppedz about rejecting complete contributions. Eventually I'd like to add in functionality to help with that, such as suggesting fixes. So that's coming eventually. :)
Jason Carr said Hi guys, eventually we will be accepting hacks, but for now unfortunately I think we need to just decline the game. Eventually I want to add a Hack or similar field to games along with user options to either hide or show them. For now, though, I think it's best if we don't accept hacks. I agree @moppedz about rejecting complete contributions. Eventually I'd like to add in functionality to help with that, such as suggesting fixes. So that's coming eventually. :)
Should we flag existing hacks for deletion, or just let them be?

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