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Simple questions for a newbie to LB?


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So I just recently decided to try out Launchbox to organize my games and my questions are this: When I am adding roms to LB do I have to manually load box art for each individual game or will it automatically update box art, and also can I put player made box art on each game if I choose to do so? I am sure this is common knowledge to vets of this but this is my first foray into it so any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks Smile
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Welcome to the community! Laugh When you first import your roms, you'll be asked to scrape for metadata, which includes images. In the event that you want to do this again in the future (so that changes made to the Games DB metadata is reflected in your library) you can do that as well. It won't automatically update your art, but it will automatically download it the first time and update it upon your request (select the roms you want to update and then go to Tools -> Download Metadata and Images). You can use your own artwork, yes. You can do this by placing it in the appropriate folder in your Launchbox folder structure (for example: Launchbox -> Images -> Super Nintendo (SNES) -> Box - Front) and as long as the image file is named the same as either your rom file name or the title of the game itself, it'll associate with your library entry for that game automatically. Alternately, you can edit the game entry (right-click and edit or Ctrl+E) and go to the images section at the bottom right, click the plus button to add an image, and browse to that image to associated it - at that point you just click on the image type (the text to the left of the plus sign) and then indicate what kind of image it is (like Box - Front or Box - Back for example).
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You can grab box art when you add the game, or you can do it individually, or all at the same time later. If your games are already imported, just go to TOOLS > DOWNLOAD METADATA AND IMAGES. I'm sure you can put custom box art for games, but I haven't tried it. I assume it just has to be named correctly and in the right folder.
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