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Nice, been waiting on this since I heard about it. Played the first one they did using Oblivion and that was very well done.

Judging by the trailer and stuff it looks like they Skyrims awful lighting at least. Can't tell if they fixed the shadows at all but that can be fixed through and ENB.


SkyUI would be nice but I don't think I would want to mod it beyond that.


Judging from a gameplay video I am watching right now it looks like it has SkyUI built right into it. The person playing it says it is a fresh install of both and no mods whatsoever but it looks like it has SkyUI.

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OH MY GOD!!!!!

This is a must have for anyone who has Skyrim and if you don't get it so you can play this. The graphics are absolutely stunning, textures, models and lighting all blow away anything in Skyrim. It makes Fallout 4 look like a pile of steaming shit.


I remember playing morrowind years ago in a netbook way under the recommended specs. I played the whole thing at 10-15 fps, no matter what I´ll play this mod to completion.

But thanks for posting your specs, I should be getting around 30 fps possibly.


I am running an AMD cpu called A6-6400k. This thing is my main bottleneck, even for simple tasks the cpu usage gets high. Very very bad IPC this thing has. My GPU is an AMD HD 6850. And only 4 G of RAM (Another of my bottlenecks.)

But at least, all the problems my setup gives me inspires me to move my ass and work to get money to buy new hardware. I want to buy an nVidia/Intel system this time since I have never had the chance to test them.


Well unless these guys really pulled some magic out of their ass I can't imagine this using more than 4 gigs of ram. The original Skyrim was limited to 3.5 or something close to that if I remember correctly but yeah your CPU and GPU are going to be bottlenecks but it seems like there's a lot of graphics options to scale it to your systems needs.

This game is really mind blowing so far, it really is AAA game title worthy. The art, story and game design is so top notch and polished. 4am and I don't want to go to bed and stop playing. lol.

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Very nice. Will take a look at their FAQ's to see if it'll cause any issues with my heavily-modded Skyrim build.

On a semi-related note, the remaster dropping this fall will have 64-bit support which will hopefully lift the 3.5GB memory cap on RAM which...should lead to some very interesting things with mods.


I have not found any translation mistakes that I could see. I did see one word in the voice over that wasn't the same word used in the subtitle (so extremely minor and nit picky) but other than that the game is just blowing my mind. I really didn't want to stop and go to bed.

They also fixed the dreaded shadow problems with Skyrim so there is no need for an ENB yet that I can tell. I don't know what magic they pulled out of their ass for this but it's beautiful. Maybe they just pulled some .ini magic. I noticed at the beginning the shadow edges were kinda rough in places but right now where I am in the game they are amazing looking.

When you install the game it makes a backup of your Skyrim install so you should be ok just installing and not worrying about your skyrim but I did fresh install since I have Skyrim off my system for a while.

On a side note when you do install from fresh it installs SkyUI and SKSE with it along with extremely customized Skyrim.ini and SkyrimPrefs.ini files. You load the game using the SKSE_Loader.exe of course like any reasonably modded Skyrim, but make sure you set the skse_launcher to run as administrator or you will get a message saying the mem fix isn't enabled.

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Here's a video I found showing a graphics comparison between Ultra and Very Low with this mod. As you will notice even Very Low looks freakin amazing.

Also here's a link to their Nexusmods page with all sorts of information about the mod (total conversion).


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Wanted to say I don't have a fancy graphics card but I am so happy with how beautiful this mod is. Going to really enjoy playing this a lot. 

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