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Hi guys I was wondering if someone could give me some advice?

The issue I'm having is with my playstation set up, I have followed the videos and got everything set up LB running retroarch. Some games load no problem but others launch but go straight to a memory card or cd screen? 

Any ideas? 


All games are bin files. I am just a noob when it comes to this sort of thing but I have been following the tutorials on YouTube. 

I just wanted to get everything up and running so I'm using retroarch as my emulator. 

It's strange as most games work just a few will go directly to the home screen (memory card and cd).



Yes, if you have bin+cue you should always be using the .cue - sometimes they'll "work" if launched directly from the bin but it often causes problems - often you'll lose music tracks as their location is specified in the cue sheet. Sometimes they just won't boot at all.


It could be a problem with your bios. If it's not properly recognizing the games (if it thinks it's an audio CD or just otherwise an unsupported disc) that's what it might indicate. It's possible that they're bad dumps of the games, but typically that would cause RA to just crash outright if you're using Mednafen.


That makes sense, I will try to find some different bio's. 

I know there are 3 different ones that the playstation uses, so what your saying is one of the three might be good as some games work. And to find another set of bio's to try.

Is that correct or am I way off Base? 


There are bad/incomplete dumps floating around the internet. Something else to keep in mind though is that there are separate ones per region as well (NA, PAL, and JPN) and you need them all if you play games from those regions. If you try to load a PAL game with only a NA bios, it won't work. They also need to be named correctly as noted in the bios section here 


As far as Mednafen, there are two versions - normal (software) and hardware. The hardware one allows upscaling but it's somewhat preliminary and you may run into some problems (especially performance wise). I use the normal one. Personally I think upscaling tends to make PSX games look weird/bad anyway.


Check the md5 checksum of your bios files before searching for new ones.

Suggested md5sums:

8dd7d5296a650fac7319bce665a6a53c = scph5500.bin

490f666e1afb15b7362b406ed1cea246 = scph5501.bin

32736f17079d0b2b7024407c39bd3050 = scph5502.bin


That's possibly a bad rip or just a bad cue sheet. Open up the cue sheet in notepad and make sure it's directed to 1) the correct file name and 2) isn't in some specific subdirectory that came from the computer of whoever created the rip originally.

The top line should say

FILE "yourromfilename.BIN" BIN

And not something like "L:\subfolder\that\doesn't\even\exist\on\your\computer\wrongfilename.BIN" BIN :)

ePSXe basically just figures out what it should be even if the sheet itself is wrong - for Mednafen it actually needs to be correct.

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