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How to close epsxe with a controller


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Hey folks,

I have LaunhBox premium setup and it is 99% working for the emulators that I have working with the exception of this one small thing I refuse to let go. In order to close epsxe (running fullscreen) I have to mash alt+tab, Win+d to go to desktop, hover of the windows quick preview and click the x. This is less than ideal in Launchbox but I understand it is an emulator issue.


I've found the epsxe input core does not work well, so I'm using lillypad copied from pcsx2 and it works great except for closing the emulator. I don't need a safe quit, I save my games prior and I just wan't to kill the process.


Anybody have ideas on something I could setup? A hotkeyed .bat file or something like that perhaps? I've tried playing around with the different input options and have also checked out some other threads.






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Also, should see about replacing DS4Windows with Input Mapper. I believe DS4W is not being updated anymore? I don't quite remember. IP also has Macro's to launch stuff as well.

As far as I know though, the Controller Automation input works with everything, including ePSXe. I don't see you mentioning that in your post, have you been using this? It's in the LB Options menu.

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I am using epsxe 2.0.5 and have configured controller automation in Launchbox and Big Box for the PS+Share buttons to close the emulator. This works for all other emulators.


It should be noted that I don't believe this is a controller automation issue, I'm not able to easily close epsxe even when running standalone.


Due to being a noob this is also not my first setup of epsxe, I've set it up from scratch at least twice.



Appreciate your help!


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Hmm, I don't normally use ePSXe but I do use it on my HTPC with a wireless Logitech controller (Windows detects it as a 360 controller). Doing some more testing it seems the exit function is very hit and miss, sometimes it works fine but most times it does not. I have tried using a separate program like Xpadder or AnitoMicroPortable for an Alt + F4 combo but that also is having issues.

I will work on a solution for this in a little bit but now I need to go finish waking up. Will be back to post what I figure out later.

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Ok this is a solution I worked out that just uses the built in ePSXe Input core 2.0.0 plugin but any input plugin will be fine.

I am using the program AntiMicoPortable found here http://portableapps.com/node/41214 it is 100% free and open source. It's basically a free Xpadder clone, while maybe not as powerful as Xpadder for this purpose it is adequate in doing what we need it to.

I obviously wanted a key combo which wouldn't interfere with anything and wouldn't be accidentally pressed so I chose clicking the Left Analog stick + Start as my combo.

When you load up the program you will see this screen:

2016-12-09 13_07_48-AntiMicro.jpgAs you can see in my screen shot here it is detecting both controllers I have plugged in and everything is automatic and labeled.

With your mouse click on the button with the label of the controller button you want to be a toggle. This will be the LS Click in my case, this will open a window with a keyboard, press the "Advanced" button in the bottom left. This will bring up the advanced window for the the LS Click:

2016-12-09 13_10_20-Advanced_ LS Click.jpgIn the left hand column pick Set Selector and in the drop down menu on the right pick "Select Set 2 While Held". Click close and close again on the keyboard screen, you should now be back to the first screen like in the first pic above. Now click on the "2" button on the bottom of the screen to go to Set 2.

Now on Set 2 click the button you want to map to the "escape" key which in my case and this example will be "Start". The keyboard screen will pop up, click on the top left button labeled "ESC"

2016-12-09 13_16_10-Set Start [Set 2].jpgClick close, then save the profile.

What this does is when you press and hold the Left Analog stick button any binds you have set in "Set 2" will be available and since we have the "Start" button set as "Escape" it will close out of ePSXe cleanly. In the Options > Settings window you can set the controller to start up with Windows and to minimize to the system tray. Also in the settings windo there an AutoProfile section to have specific profiles to load with specific applications but that is more advanced.

This is just an option to you and hopefully DOS76s method works better for you since you are using the Lilypad plugin, if not then give this a try.

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Thank you both for your input...

I tried using the lillypad setting with no success


Then I tried using AntiMicroPortable using the same buttons in your instructions. Also tried using L3 + Share without success.


I'm open to other solutions but also realize I may just need to use a keyboard to exit PS1 games, or find a different emulator (not really interested in doing that since the emulator does work well).


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That's unfortunate, seems like some sort of issue with the PS controller and Windows. Unfortunately I don't have a way of testing a PS4 controller since I don't have one.

Try out Retroarch and the PSX core though and see if that works for you. I use Retroarch on my main system but on my HTPC I use ePSXe because it isn't powerful enough to run the Retroarch PSX core.

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Crap, I was hoping that was it. It was a long shot, but you never know. I think it might be a setting off then. I know that the PS4 controller can sometime cast two inputs, or rather that it's normal drivers conflict with the Input Mapper drivers. Re-ordering them in the Game Controllers window to put the "360" drivers on top can help in some situations, and as well I wonder if the Direct Input check box shown off in @DOS76's screen shot are throwing anything off. It's using Xinput for the 360 stuff, so that's not even needed. The original drivers might be. So part of me now thinks it's a settings issue rather than a driver specific issue.

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  • 4 months later...

I had this exact same problem. Here is how I solved it with minimum tinkering(not to be confused with it not being a pain to figure out!):


In Launchbox go to Tools->Manage Emulators. Click edit on your ePSXe. Put this in the AutoHotKey Script:


; This section closes EPSXE when pressing alt+f4(the auto close for controller)
    Process, Close, {{{StartupEXE}}}


The automation close via controller calls ALT+F4 on the keyboard to close the emu. So by using an AutoHotKey Script to close the application on ALT+F4 it solves the problem. This should work with any other emulators that experience this issue(epsxe is the only one I found)

Edited by tacos912
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