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Launchbox game id problem with imports


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i just imported 653 mame games (platform=MAME) with scrape as arcade. it seems to have identified almost nothing with a game id unless i go into each and every game and click 'search for metadata' . this seems to keep happening on my imports, not just with MAME.

it seems to be a problem, because LB isn't pulling down my missing images until i go into each game to search metadata so it can get an id for it and then click on Download Images/Media.

version 7.6 beta 1

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also, i chose folder to import my mame roms. they are all together in one folder except a few CHDs are in their own sub folder. LB decided to also create a game for each chd file (didn't have many luckily), which i did not expect and had to find those in LB and delete them. guess you should use the file option when importing mame into LB instead.

i'm up to the G's now, manually picking the arcade game name from the drop down list for each mame game that doesn't have a screenshot =/

for each game with no db id, when i click search, i get a drop list to select the arcade name, or wikipedia name, or sometimes several other console's names. so i just keep picking the top one which is the game name for arcade. i wish it did this automatically since it is supposed to be scraping for arcade.

so just to be clear on my exact process here of what i did:

- delete all mame games from platform "mame" in LB (all of them had a clear logo and gameplay screenshot already)

- use import rom wizard to import all my new set of mame roms (much smaller set), and deselect all images since i already have them

- after import, all my clear logos are still there, but many games don't have a  gameplay screenshot anymore and those are the ones that also got no db id for the game name

- go into each game missing a screenshot, search db, select name for arcade, click download, checkbox for gameplay, download it, move on to next game

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i also just looked at some of the games that still have a gameplay screenshot, but those don't have game Ids either. so LB didn't identify or give any of my imported rom games an ID automatically, even though it can find them when i do it manually one by one.

Hoping for a fast solution, because at this pace I'll never finish updating each game with a screenshot one by one :( 

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in my LB images/mame/screenshot - gameplay folder i see a bunch of actual screenshot file names that got changed from the normal game like name to something like 1942.13dd3890-d49e-47e8-b2d9-7d3731f9c8ed-01  with weird long string appended to the end of the name. so i think those are the ones i lost screenshots for in LB

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weird, for one of the games that is showing clear logo instead of gameplay screenshot, i see it does have a gameplay screenshot in the mame/screenshot - gameplay folder so i drag and dropped it into the edit game images part and it added it as "box - front"?? don't get what's going on with images here.

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10 minutes ago, Jason Carr said:

@ckp Let's start with the not downloading images issue. Do you have EmuMovies? Is it a paid account?

no, i don't have a paid emu movies account but i can get the LB download images because i do have a free account.

my issue is that i have screenshot images for all my mame games in the gameplay screenshots folder.

when i had my huge mame collection in LB, they all showed fine.

but the other day i decided to use a new mame (182) and a 181 rom set with just the killer no filler stuff to drastically reduce the size of my mame setup.

i use platform name MAME (not arcade) and scrape as Arcade.

so, yesterday i deleted ALL of my LB mame games.

then i used the import rom wizard to import my new rom set, but chose not to include any LB or emumovies images in the wizard because i already have the images in LB. 

after the import, i have TONS of games showing me the clear logo and no games seem to have  a LB ID when i edit them

i look inside my gameplay screenshots LB folder and see they are there but not appearing in LB or even in the edit settings for some reason.

so one by one i have been editing each game showing a clear logo in LB to click search metadata, choose the LB arcade game name, click download button, get gameplay screenshots, click download, then click ok and voila the game shows properly with screenshot in LB.

if i try to use 'download metadata and media for mass screenshot download for all these games showing only with clear logo, it does nothing, i assume because the games are not identified with a LB ID for some reason?

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AH! I get it. Thanks for the detailed explanation, @ckp. So what happened here, is that in the import wizard you told it to not bother getting metadata from the LaunchBox Games Database, so it didn't bother to attach any IDs. You don't have to download any images from the database, but you still need to get metadata from it in order to attach IDs. Unfortunately I think you'll need to start over to fix the issue; just delete the ROMs and reimport. However, I don't really understand why that would affect the images that are displayed for the games.

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3 minutes ago, Jason Carr said:

You don't have to download any images from the database, but you still need to get metadata from it in order to attach IDs.

how can you do that? i think i just didn't select to download any images. i don't remember seeing an option to just get metadata?

i am afraid to start over in case i have to redo the many manual game edits i already did since then (but so many still left to do).

so to get game IDs for my existing imported mame games is there some way i can do that just using the 'download metadata and media' menu option?

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i just did control-a on my mame games and ran Download Metadata and Media wizard. the only thing i unchecked was the image downloads. and i chose the second option to replace/add metadata for missing stuff. it seems to have attached an ID now to my games!

so, now i will try doing a mass gameplay screenshot d/l (using the audit tool to find the games LB thinks is missing them) to see if it gets them...

well the audit tool didn't help because when i sort on screenshot images, it doesn't have 0 for any. so i tried clicking the "1 image" link for a game i know does not show in LB with a screenshot but instead shows with clear logo. the image that came up is a clear logo and not a screenshot. something still seems messed up with images in LB.

so, now i will forget the audit tool and just multi select every mame game i see that is showing only a clear logo so i can mass d/l gameplay screenshots.

ok, that worked, but was painful. it would have been a perfect use of the audit tool, but since LB though i had screenshots for everything, that didn't help unfortunately. 

i'm all good now and thanks for your help!

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