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Hi Guys,

This isn't a huge issue but the last few betas (not every one) seems to randomly remove the platform description of some of my platforms. It is random platforms that it happens too. 

Earlier in the week it was game boy and game boy color. Yesterday was neo geo pocket and pocket color. 

Hope this is helpful

7 hours ago, Jason Carr said:

Thanks guys, by chance, could it be happening on imports? Have you been importing any new games or using any of the new merging tools?

I haven't used the merge tools at all (I only keep one version of a given game), but I have been adding several systems from scratch. I'm ashamed to say I can't tell for sure if the new platforms were all added without details or not--- and I think some existing platforms (that I hadn't tinkered with) had missing details. I manually re-added the infos a week or so ago not thinking much of it at the time. If it happens again I'll pay better attention.


It would be nice to be able to scrape a platform after its already created, like the roms. For some reason a lot of my platforms dont have any data at all.
Doing this manually is not a lot of work, but a slight inconvience. The scraper is already there, so i think an extra button/method would be easy to implement.

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