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Ive been setting up LB/BB for a while with now over 20 systems and last time I accessed it to show my brother yesterday everything was working perfectly.

So around an hour ago i decide to place the machine back into my arcade cabinet and when i came to show my sons friend it embarrasingly jumped into big box running like crap (slowdown) and all the wheel images for the platforms and games (logos) are missing :(

Ive done every posssible thing i can think of from restarting it (and my pc) changing the theme, refreshing "All images" in big box as well as in launchbox and no matter what i do i cannot seem to get it back and its still running like crap. Checked hyperspin and that runs smooth as a whistle.

Its probably worth mentioning the background videos work as do the background images and game videos and it works if i change the theme setting to text only.

Would really appreciate some help on getting this sorted

PS if a log file would help please let me know how i access the log files




I don't know much about arcade cabs... but when you said you placed your machine there.... did anything else get moved... and of the launchbox software or folders?

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7 minutes ago, fromlostdays said:

I don't know much about arcade cabs... but when you said you placed your machine there.... did anything else get moved... and of the launchbox software or folders?

Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-N910A using Tapatalk

my arcade cabinet is custom built mate, its essentially just a wooden cabinet with a monitor, joysticks and control panel and a multiplug inside. The PC is the guts of it so sshould have technically worked.


Ive now resolved the problem since


So i thought i would update the post to help anyone else (not that this is going to be any real form of resolution)

So after realising this had nothing to do with Launchbox due to testing with a freshin installation (and it still haivng the issue) i then tried to use beta versions of lb, i uninstalled any potential apps i had recently installed on my computer, tried an install on a different drive and still it would have the same issue. In the end I resorted to wiping my drive c and reinstalling windows (well from windows 7 to 10)

In my opinion this left two blame points for the issue 1) It Could have been a windows update. 2) As i only recently updated to version 7.10 it could also have been the version and some random conflict (as i wasnt able to restore back to an older version of launcbox to test it fully). Personally i find the first point more likley so can only assume some part of the recent windows update id had, either general files or hardware / driiver based was causing the strange issue.

What i decided to end up doing though was wiping my first harddrive and installing windows 10. then did a fresh install of lunchbox and did a test console and it ran perfectly. The only problem being my second drive has gone from a drive E to a D and when clicking Emulators (despite my platform lists all appearing correctly in the left) the emulators list shows as completley empty :(

Posted (edited)

Ok so i finally found the cause of these images not loading and thought i better post for the devs (as it appears to be a bug) and incase anyone else has the same issue. Honestly if i had known this last time id have saved myself 6-7 hours of messing about.

So as mentioned in this post I had transferred my PC from my desktop monitor to my arcade cabinet. My desk monitor being a 30" Dell Ultrasharp at 2560x1600 resolution and my arcade unit screen being a Nec V321 32" 1360x768 native resolution. What would happen is  when loading big box none of the graphics eg clear logos, banners and other things would load and it would also slow down the performance of the emulator, often you just have a black screen (unless text view) with the sounds of of the videos. If you could navigate (which was based off the sounds of the videos) you could get to the game and it would run perfectly, until of course you returned to big box, which had become more like "black box" !!

So what was the issue ? Well a few days ago after wiping my original PC and transferring launchbox to a new Windows 10 fresh PC and it doing a similar thing (not exact issue again) when i came to install it in the arcade, my brother said to me "you dont think that monitor is too low resolution for bigbox do you ? maybe the graphics are too large to load at that size" I thought it was highly unlikley but decided to change the resolution anyway from 1360x768 to 1920x1080p and WHAT DO YOU KNOW ?!?!?!?!? it fixed the issue., the logos and everything loaded perfectly. What I really found strange is changing them back again to 1360x768 (its native resolution) still worked perfectly......Ive since restarted the PC and it appears to have fixed the issue now.

So for anyone who cannot be bothered reading all that and has similar symptons, my advice. Change the screen resolution to something else (pref higher) and change it back.


Hopefully the devs will look into this bug and fix it but I have to say im happy as larry as i really dont think i have the patience to repeat all the work for a third time !

Id like to thanks everyone on here who tried to help its a great community and the fast responses are really comforting knowing you have support from others.  :)

Edited by liamb2001
  • 3 years later...

I know this is old but this saved me a lot of time so thank you! Most of my games and images werent showing up and it was loading slow. When I switched my resolution from 1440 to 4k this worked!! I have Launchbox on my external so I can go over a friends house and jam on old games on the fly and when I brought it back home that's exactly what it was. THANK YOU SO MUCH!!

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