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Posted (edited)

WOW! so right off the top. I noticed that even though I had vjoy in the taskbar, it wasnt being detected in the game controllers!

So I deleted the version I had and now need to get the one that detects BOTH u360 and both vjoys. 


Vjoy 1.2




None of the vjoys are showing up in x360ce.  I have a limit of four and they are listed as follows.

  1. U360 1
  2. u360 2
  3. mini pac
  4. atrak (lightgun)

I see the vjoys in the game controllers, but how do I get them to be seem by x3560ce?

Edited by latin625
Posted (edited)

I got the same pb, my Ipac was in the list of four controllers in X360ce so there wasn't anymore slot for my fourth Vjoy controller. Few days later, the Ipac disappeared in X360ce and I don't know how but it was a good news. To do your test unplugged the Atrak because you can't bypass the limit of 4 controllers. Personally I don't like X360ce but it's better than nothing.

Edited by Fablog
  • Thanks 1

Thanks Fablog!  Been trying for four days and some very long nights...  Just cant get it to work...  I did as you said, but still can get the u360 to move the character selector.  I ordered a harness from Andy at Ultimarc, so hopefully once that comes in, I will wire it to the minipac.  Thanks again to everyone, just cant seem to get it working.

Posted (edited)

X360ce is a pain in the A... I Know, this morning I spent 3 hours to configure my pc games with it. The non working pc games are now out because I don't want to lost more time. Right now I have 28 pc games working with X360ce but not King of fighters XIV :(

Please let us know what you think about the harness. I can't use it with my IPAC UIO (incompatible) but I'm interesting to know how it works.

Edited by Fablog

Ok, so the harness really does not solve the issue. it turn the u360 into a standard 4 and 8 way joystick and you lose the analog capabilities.  not an option for me yet, because that was the main reason I purchased them in the first place.  ughhhhh...   Not much info out there on how to fix this so, once I get this sorted out... good or bad... Ill update.

Posted (edited)

You seems to like the Street fighter games. SFV works well with x360ce ;)

Is it not possible to turn off the harness when you want?

Did you try to connect the U360 to the Ipac and by USB at the same time?

Edited by Fablog

Yup.  Hot mess when i did. dont have a Ipac.. Have a mini pac.... lol.  BUT!!!!!!  I think I may have found the solution.  I have been using Joy2Key and it works!  Except the keys are all over the place so I have to get that locked down, but it moves...  Selection of characters are a bit glitchy as moving left and right auto selects the character.  No bueno...

But gameplay works!  You can move up down left right,etc.. punch, etc...Tinkering away now...  Just trying to figure out how the hell do you launch Joy2key with the specific game or does it do it by itself?  :S



ok. so I figure out how to start Joy2key on the addtional app line of the game and can write a .bat that starts and ends withthe game.  Done.  I also had to use a AHK script to handle the ALT key that is now mapped to L.

Two issues remain:

1. How do I launch an AHK file when I dont have an emulator set to PC GAMES?  Is there an emulator I can use that mimics that?  I heard of something called PCLauncher but have now idea how to use it.

2.  Still having a BIG problem when selecting characters.. It now moves but as soon as it moves it selects the character instead of waiting for you to press a button.

All and all... looking good.  All the movements work and so to the buttons in gameplay.


In the additional apps there are checkboxes to run before the app and to run after the app so you can set up an additional app that starts joy2key and then a 2nd one to stop joy2key when the game exits without need for a .bat

14 hours ago, DOS76 said:

In the additional apps there are checkboxes to run before the app and to run after the app so you can set up an additional app that starts joy2key and then a 2nd one to stop joy2key when the game exits without need for a .bat

yes, but they need to be .bat,yes?  How can you kill and app without a command?  Launchbox can do this?

Posted (edited)

Got it! JOYTOKEY is the solution! Damn, it works in Streetfighter X Tekken. 100%. Sheesh....  No .bat needed.  Im gonna test it against MKKE, SF4 and SHANK....  Dont have a ton of games...  And The SFV I got doesnt load.  Gives me an error.  Once I get this ironed out and tested, Ill pass along my settings to the group.  Is there any specific games anyone want me to test it against?

Error unknown of street fighter 5.  might have to get a new copy.



Edited by latin625

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