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Launchbox Bigbox: Few Games Issue Strange Behavior Upon Return to Bigbox Menu

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First want to commend the developers for making such an awesome program!!

For my topic of discussion, I'm asking only about the Windows platform. I launch a game from Launchbox Bigbox. The game launches fine. I quit the game from the game's own normal menu. Then after quitting the game, I return to Launchbox.


Games: Dead Island Definitive Edition, GTA IV
When using downsampling (DSR in Nvidia control panel) in game (1080p desktop, 2160p game), when exiting the game, upon return to Launchbox Bigbox, Launchbox Bigbox is messed up (game scroll menu on left is still 1080p but game image and info to right is zoomed in as if 4k on 1080p screen). After this occurs, if I select another game that doesn't have this issue, and the game launches, I quit that game and normally return back to Bigbox, Bigbox presents as normal again.

Game: Doom 3 BFG Edition: When exiting the game normally through the game menu, upon return to Launchbox Bigbox, the Launchbox Bigbox menu is present as normal but no controller input works. 
I have to simply move the mouse ever so slightly for BigBox controller input to work normally again. Is there a way to avoid this extra mouse motion?


In Bigbox Mode, when hitting the button on the controller from the choose system/platform menu screen to get to the the Bigbox options / quit menu screen: is there a way to just exit Bigbox (with confirmation first?) from the choose system/platform menu screen instead of going to the tons of options / complicated Bigbox options / quit menu screen? Otherwise I have to either scroll all the way down to the bottom of the menu or press up to go directly to the exit Launchbox Bigbox mode from the Bigbox options / quit menu screen.

Posted (edited)

Can try the following, is a bit of work but not to difficult.


Dead island issue: I had a similar issue although a bit different and because of that Im not sure if this will work for you but can try.

Im sure I got this tip from someone on this site.

Google and download Nircmd. Store it anywhere.

Create a new text file.

"C:\Users\user\nircmd\nircmd.exe" setdisplay 1024 768 32

You need to change the path to where you stored nircmd and you need to change the width (1024), height (768) and bit colour (32) to whatever your screen is.

Save it as anythingyouwant.bat

In launchbox find dead island.

Right click, edit.

Additional apps tab.

Add application.

Give it any name.

Point application path to the .bat file.

Check the "wait for exit" box. (although for me the wait for exit is always greyed out, maybe someone else can say why? Can try the run after main application box but not sure if that will work correctly)


Again Im not sure if that will work for you as your issue sounds a little different from mine.



Download and install autohotkey

After install right click on desktop


Autohotkey script

Right click on it, edit

Copy the following underneath the other lines already there

SetTitleMatchMode, 2
WinActivate, LaunchBox

Or if that doesn't work properly can try something like

Sleep, 1000
MouseClick, Left, 300, 300

Save it

Right click on it, compile script

In launchbox find Doom

Right click and edit

Additional apps

Add application

Give it any name

Point application path to the compiled script

Check "wait for exit" box.



Edited by jayjay

Thanks for attempting to help me fix my issues.

I tried the Dead Island fix first. I download nircmd (both 32 and 64) and tried the 64 bit after the 32 bit didn't work. In LaunchBox the  "wait for exit" box is ONLY available if the "run before main application" box is checked. I tried all possible combinations of these boxes checked and unchecked but unfortunately it made not difference.

I downloaded AutoHotKey and did the instructions (both variants differentl) and neither worked. I did have to ALT TAB out of BB mode as the simple mouse touch wouldn't work after having the script run tandem with Doom 3 so I know the script worked.


So not sure what else to do here. 

Posted (edited)

Yeah... Dead Island... The issue isn't what I thought it was. I might tag Jason maybe he knows something or maybe not @Jason Carr. I'll also post a screenshot of it.  The details end up at the top of the screen after exit. I did fix the issue simply by deleting enough of the details so it doesn't need to scroll. I also tested about 15 other games and none acted the same way, even those with lots of details, so maybe its just a dead island issue in which case I imagine not much can be done.


But while I was testing games, I came across The Evil Within which acts the same way as Doom. Seems like BigBox loses focus. 

Use this script:

SetTitleMatchMode 2
WinActivate, LaunchBox Big Box

Check the "Run after main application" box.

I know its basically the same as the one above but for whatever reason AHK is being picky about the window name. It should work. It works for the evil within and doom 3 bfg on my end. I did test it a few times.

EDIT. AHK is being picky because I added a comma in the wrong place in the original script... I think.



Dead island.png

Edited by jayjay

I actually figured out an awesome workaround (well, for Doom 3 anyway). I have Pinnacle Gamer Profiler. Since I use PGP for some classic PC games anyway (PGP detects when the EXE of the game I want is active and applies the profile), I basically made a PGP just for Launchbox but with the only control assignment as the right stick mapped to mouse. So when BigBox is on top then PGP will load the game profile for BigBox. Otherwise, PGP will stop the BigBox profile when another game is launched OR launch a PGP profile game if applicable (like the classic Tomb Raider games). So far, it works great!

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