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Need some advice on pics for 28mm nfc tags(Amiibo)


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I've made some fake Amiibo using some 28mm Ntag215 PVC discs. They have adhesive on and I want to print out and attach some art. However arty stuff is not my thing and I'm at a complete loss where to even start. I need to cut out appropriate art for each amiibo and size it to fit on a 28mm diameter circle. Then have them all on one page to print out. The easier option would be to just print out some pics, place the tag ontop and cut round, but that would be a big waste of ink and paper. I know this isn't really the forums for this sort of thing, however nowhere I go is and I know a lot of people here have experience with this kind of thing for use in themes and such.

Any help greatly appreciated.

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Actually turning the blank tags into Amiibo is stupidly easy so long as you have an Android phone with NFC. Install the Tagmo app, copy a few files over, go into tagmo settings and point it to the files. Then you just select the amiibo from the list, press write tag and hold the blank tag near your phones NFC antenna for a second.

But then you're just left with a plain looking white tag, it works but its a bit boring. I don't have the coin cases yet because I want to figure the art out first but the aim is to get these looking something like these  



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