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Hey Everyone! 

This is my first forum post here, but I wanted to thank everyone involved in developing LaunchBox. I really am loving the program and can easily have all my games configured exactly how I want to; I am currently working on a retro Big Box setup so I can play games via my TV with only my Xbox One controller. 

Because of this some games don't have native game-pad support (some MS-DOS games, Tomb Raider for PC, etc) and I am using "Joy To Key" to map my controller to keyboard inputs so that I can play the games with my controller. My question is: would there possibly be a way to have Joy To Key exit when the game I am playing closes? Is there a certain command line input I can use? I want to make sure it can be closed if I was to play another game that didn't require Joy To Key (not that it is CPU intensive, I am just OCD like this). 

Thanks in advance!


Right click the game -> edit and choose additional apps. From there you should be able to add joytokey as an app, and check a box so that it runs when the game does.
You can then create an AHK script (or batch script) to exit joytokey, that you add as an application that runs when the game closes.

I hope that made sense.


I have created a batch file to kill the Joytokey process after I exit the game (but it only works with certain games, as launchbox needs to be able to detect that the game/emulator has been closed).

I called the file "kill_j2k.bat" with the following content>

taskkill.exe /F /IM  JoyToKey.exe

Hope this helps


  • Like 1

Thanks for the help! I used NightShadowPT's solution and created my own Kill2Joy.bat file, set it to "Run After Main Application" while adding additional applications and it works! Joy To Key loads while playing a game and when I exit the game the batch file executes and closes Joy To Key. (just make sure Joy To Key.exe is set to "Run Before Main Application"). Thanks again! :)

  • 2 years later...

Popping in to say thanks. Seems to work like a charm and keeps my OCD in check knowing another program isn't running needlessly in background waiting to screw something up eventually. LOL 

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