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Im not sure if its cause i updated to windows 11, but only in big box, launch box works fine, does led blinky geeks out. So in big box, il highlight a game ive colored and the controls light up for all players. I press start and it blinks the controls, but as soon as thats done, they all shut off, then turn back on for 5 sec like as if im highlighting the game again then they just stay off. Its almost like bigbox just completely loses focus or something. Im just stumped because there is no isues what so ever in launchbox. If someone could give me some pointers that would be great


I have windows 10 and all my windows based games are lighting up the controls properly.  I am not sure if ledblinky officially supports windows 11 yet.

For all my steam games i usually use an AHK script to start the game since most games have a launcher before the actual game starts, which causes controls to turn off shortly after the game starts. what is strange is that this works in launchbox but not in bigbox. Did you add these games using the import steam games or by using an AHK script of some kind?

23 hours ago, RedHoodRobin64 said:

Im not sure if its cause i updated to windows 11, but only in big box, launch box works fine, does led blinky geeks out. So in big box, il highlight a game ive colored and the controls light up for all players. I press start and it blinks the controls, but as soon as thats done, they all shut off, then turn back on for 5 sec like as if im highlighting the game again then they just stay off. Its almost like bigbox just completely loses focus or something. Im just stumped because there is no isues what so ever in launchbox. If someone could give me some pointers that would be great

LEDBlinky runs fine on Windows 11. Based on what you're describing, it sounds like BB is sending LEDBlinky multiple GameStart and Game Quit commands (not sure why but that would have something to do with your LB/BB configuration). LEDBlinky does have an option that might help; using the Controls Editor, double click the emulator and select the "Ignore GameQuit Commands" option. You could give that a try.


So update, still couldnt fix this, but what is interesting is windows games dont have this isue. Just steam. So im not sure if its how big box is comunicating with steam or what. Retroarch, mame and everything else is working fine as well. But like i said in launchbox steam games stay lit just fine

On 1/22/2022 at 5:19 PM, RedHoodRobin64 said:

So update, still couldnt fix this, but what is interesting is windows games dont have this isue. Just steam. So im not sure if its how big box is comunicating with steam or what. Retroarch, mame and everything else is working fine as well. But like i said in launchbox steam games stay lit just fine

So i tried setting up a game from my steam account using the import steam games and neither launchbox or bigbox would light any controls after importing the game.  The issue seems to be the application path for launching the game, See screenshot below



When the application path for a steam game uses "steam://rungameid/XXXXX" I cannot get any contols to light. Using launchbox 12.6 my Front end controls end up staying lit the whole time

If you want to fix it on a per game basis you can try changing the application path to launch the Game EXE directly which may work for some games or may not.  If it does not work running the game exe directly you can try making an AHK script as detailed in this post 

In my experience using the game EXE or an AHK scirpt for steam games has been the most reliable way of getting controls to light and stay lit during gameplay using LEDBLINKY in launchbox and bigbox.

Hopefully in the future maybe the launchbox devs will add the ability to monitor for a specific game EXE on a per game basis, so controls will lite reliably for PC games.


Thank you So much, unfortunately I tried everything you mentioned and it still only works through launchbox. In bigbox I Get the same result every time. 

Tried Changing the launch path to the exe.

Tried Making ahk the emulator and used both lines of code too launch game in the link you sent me to look at


Just dumbfounded as too what happend. When I first figured this out, It was as simple as changing the setting in led blinky to ignore game quit command. worked like a charm for the longest time. Why would big box have this issue and not launchbox?  The only thing I can think besides getting windows 11 is a buddy of mine wanted me to play call of duty warzone which requires battle.net. Maybe it installed something that is interfering? I know I'm reaching at this point but I just got nothing. Thank you so much for your help tho


So i may have figured out the prob. So i use x360ce for my cabnet. I need it to combine the sticks and buttons together as a controller. So my usual start of my pc, i open up x360ce and then open bigbox. I forgot this morning to turn on x360ce and the controls stayed lit, even the ones i didnt have ahk for. So i tried booting up x360ce wile in big box and it causes the same prob again. Again still works fine in launchbox. Why would this happen? How do i fix this? And not using x360ce is not a option. I got 4 ultra stick 360s, so x360ce can register the anologue.  I should also mention that once x360ce starts, even when i close it, the light problem still happens


So still no luck. I am getting really annoyed. Some more diagnosis for my situation tho. I tried with both ahk and just through import, disabling start up screen. I also tried enabling it as well. This is a pain in the ass because the steam games are the most used and the fact that big box is not letting me do this properly is causing me to have to go through launch box which loses the emersion. The last thing I can possibly think of is launchbox has had a few updates. Is it possible that one of these updates would cause this issue? Im so confused why even with ahk im getting the same result and even more confused why its only bigbox and not launchbox. Really need some help


So i thought it was the updates to big box. I did a clean install of launchbox 11.9 and it was working, decided to take a risk with re doing stuff and update to the latest. Its still working. Guess something was corrupt. Idk wish i could be more helpful but think that bout raps it up 

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